
Sunday, May 28, 2023

Spirituality: The Ruby Ray Chalice Visitations

The first six chapters of the Ruby Ray Chalice Visitations can be viewed by clicking on the words in colored type in each of the following paragraphs:

  • El Morya introduces The Ruby Chalice Visitations:
    "Let me emphasize that these Visitations are not simply transcriptions of the live Dictations of the Ascended Masters previously delivered as formal addresses to Their students and the general public.  Rather imagine if you will . . . "
  • "Our first point of discussion is Love . . . the greatest love that you can experience is the Love from your own I AM Presence, your Real Self. . . . "
  • "I come to you this hour in the Flame of the Buddha.  I AM the Maha Chohan, and I AM wearing the Mantle of God Harmony . . . It is impossible to assimilate Love when you are out of Harmony."
  • "The time has come for Peace . . . But the real responsibility for Peace lies with you.  The Prince of Peace said, "Peace, be still!" and calmed the waters.  Now you must say "Peace, be still!" and calm your own emotional body. . . . "
  • "You cannot have Faith by degrees. It is all or nothing. For even one increment of doubt, fear or questioning will act like the sting of a serpent’s venom, poisoning the rest of the release of Faith from your Heart, and all will be lost for the moment. How, then, do you strengthen your Faith to be complete and full? 
  • "I AM speaking of the Opportunity to gain greater understanding of their lives through the Wisdom and Love of the Ascended Masters and through Our Expanded Consciousness." 

The topics of other releases by The Maha Chohan were on: Purity, Happiness, Hope, Charity, Patience, Poise, Courage, Strength, Fearlessness, and Fire.

All of the above can be obtained in book form:

“The Maha Chohan Speaks On The God Qualities”

If need be for increased understanding, search:

What are Spiritual Rays

Thursday, May 4, 2023

AGW: Anthropogenic Global Warming

Years ago, I realized that the world is quite possibly not going to be able to avoid the dramatic natural consequence that the ‘amplified greenhouse effect’ is having on an already overpopulated planet. I, therefore, have gone to great lengths to explain how not all visible light is reflected away from Earth’s surface — that some is absorbed and then radiated away as ‘infrared light’ (heat). Whereas visible light passes freely thru the atmosphere, infrared interacts with and is absorbed by larger molecules, such as carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide, water vapor, etcetera. It is humanity’s general inability to understand this that our overpopulation problem will be solved in such a way that we’ll be reminded that “it’s not nice to fool Mother Nature”!

Related postings:


Greenhouse Effect

Global Warming

Wednesday, May 3, 2023

Religion: Rating the Bible

Many of the events in the Bible occurred long before they were ever written down. These stories were kept alive by their being told over and over again. Some stories converged with other stories — and some diverged. That does not invalidate the stories. It enriches our culture by bringing more spiritual meaning into our lives. Some stories, however, should not be told to young children who lack the life experience to properly process them. For example, stories involving genocide, collecting Philistine foreskins, incest, etcetera are not for the young and innocent (those parts that would be rated PG-13 and higher).

“Interesting Facts About the Bible”

Related postings about the Bible: