Tuesday, August 13, 2019

"Why The Choir Was Late"

I first read this in Paul Harevey's book "The Rest of the Story".  The way he told it was far better than anything I could find on the internet, but follow along for a most remarkable true story:

When a Nebraska church exploded in 1950, no one was injured because every member of the choir was late arriving for practice that evening. As unbelievable as this story is, it did happen. Despite the explosion's taking place five minutes after choir practice was scheduled to begin, not one of the fifteen people who should have been present had yet arrived when the building collapsed....
Read more:


On a similar note:

The first segment of the following episode is about a house in Georgia that was completely spared by a tornado despite the fact that it was in its path —

The UnXplained; Season 1; Episode 13


In my opinion, this event can best be ‘explained’ by the protection given by God’s angels.