Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Organized Global Warming Deniers

It seems that the ‘forces of darkness’ in the world have increasingly coalesced in the form of organizations specifically designed to propagate disinformation about ‘artificially induced climate change’ aka ‘global warming’. In the United States, they fly under the banner of nationalism claiming to be patriotic. In actuality, they’re primarily hacks for monied interests that benefit from the status quo that will necessarily have to transform if we are to mitigate the worst of what’s ahead. 
In short, Global Warming is about the blanketing effect that CO2 and other greenhouse gases have on infrared radiation. Nothing more, nothing less. All else is politics, which is “warfare in slow motion”.
Some of the lost souls are:
“CO2 Coalition”
Mercer Family Foundation
Heritage Foundation
Heartland Institute
Patrick Moore
William Happer 
Frank Clemente

For more information, search:
global warming + disinformation + skeptics denial


Further readings:

Understanding Global Warming: