Monday, December 5, 2022

AGW’s Connection With Spirituality and Free Will

While some willfully choose to believe that apocalyptic global warming events are inevitable because of God’s Will, others think that God will not allow runaway global warming to occur because He promised not to destroy mankind again by flood. Note, however, that He didn’t say anything about ‘by fire’ — and neither was it said that He wouldn’t let us destroy ourselves by fire and/or flood. Indeed, in the Garden of Eden, He had clearly demonstrated that He was respectful of our Free Will — we ‘willingly chose’ to eat from the ‘Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil’. According to Cosmic Law, we were thusly banished. He will not protect us from our own deliberate actions, such as those that result in the amplification of the Greenhouse Effect’s interacting with building carbon emissions and increasing methane releases from melting frozen tundra. 

Note: We need to remind ourselves that the heat retention qualities of greenhouse gases are an example of Physical Law which is a part of God’s Cosmic Law. The Law of Cause and Effect is where physical law and cosmic law intersect.

If we want His help, then we need to ask for it, now (before it’s too late). 
Search: ‘prayers about global warming’
“O Thou kind Lord! Unite all. Let the religions agree and make the nations one, so that they may see each other as one family and the whole earth as one home. May they all live together in perfect harmony. O God!”

Note: Though I don’t take all of the biblical scriptures literally (too much of the deeper meaning is lost to do so), I do offer the following for those who do and are concerned about global climate change:

“The Bible Doesn’t Talk About Climate Change, Right?”

from channel, Global Weirding: