Saturday, December 31, 2022

Spirituality: In the End

Spirituality serves a higher purpose than does religion (which serves the purpose of leading to spirituality). Without religion, many might not find their way to the Holy Spirit — but religion is not the goal. And no single religion or any collection of religions can claim to know the sole path to God. All paths that lead to God are good. Indeed, each person walks their own path ‘in the end.’

For more, ‘copy and paste’ the above and use as search parameters on your favorite search engine. You’ll find a rich treasure trove available!

Note: One avenue towards spirituality is Ascended Master teachings, with the Temple of the Presence being the most contemporary: 

[Additional information is available by clicking on the menu navigation icon in the upper right corner of the home page.]

Other supplemental information from related postings:

For related postings on ‘spirituality’—

By relevance:

By date:

Friday, December 30, 2022

AGW: YouTube Videos About the Greenhouse Effect and Global Warming

Here’s my reduced list of excellent short YouTube videos about the greenhouse effect and global warming. Though there are many others that are very good, I think that these are sufficient for a good overview.

Greenhouse Effect:

“Seeing (Infra)Red (In the Greenhouse)#1”

“Greenhouse in a Beaker#2”

“Infrared radiation absorption by CO2”

Quote: “If it weren’t for the ‘blanketing effect’ allowed by the greenhouse gases of carbon dioxide and methane, the planet would be a frozen ball of ice.”

Global Warming:

“The Worst Greenhouse Gas Might Surprise You”

“How Humans Cause Climate Change”

For my postings on AGW—

>AGW postings by relevance:

>AGW postings by date: 

Quote: “Anxiety must go. It must be replaced by faith and solemn confidence in the outworking of the divine plan. “

~ Count of St. Germain~

AGW: It Is What It Is

Our fate lies with our ability to willingly comprehend the likes of what the greenhouse effect does for our planet in regards to temperature control. We cannot afford to underestimate how powerful it is, and how drastically long the effects of its increased amplification by the likes of carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, et al will be. 

[For more, simply copy and paste the above as search parameters into your favorite search engine.]

Example of such a search:

Wednesday, December 28, 2022

AGW: Group Karma

As the tempo of climate change gradually increases, all too many of us choose to remain unaware of the big picture. Unfortunately, however, blissful ignorance is not really a viable option as greenhouse gas emissions and pollutants continue to build up in the biosphere which we all share with one another and all else of God’s Creation. 

Related articles —

Climate Urgency:

Climate Inertia:

In short, whether we like it or not, we’re all in this together. Hence, the fuller meaning of ‘group karma’.

[For more, copy and paste either or both of the above statements as the search parameters into your favorite search engine.]

For related postings:

AGW postings by relevance:

AGW postings by date: 

Monday, December 26, 2022

Spirituality: “Somewhere Over the Rainbow”

 Remember the original movie (1939),

“The Wizard of Oz” when Judy Garland sang:

Somewhere over the rainbow, 

way up high

There's a land that I heard of once 

in a lullaby

Somewhere over the rainbow, 

skies are blue

And the dreams that you dare to dream

Really do come true

Someday I'll wish upon a star

And wake up where the clouds 

are far behind me

Where troubles melt like lemon drops

Away above the chimney tops

That's where you'll find me

Somewhere over the rainbow

Bluebirds fly

Birds fly over the rainbow

Why then, oh why can't I?

If happy little bluebirds fly

Beyond the rainbow

Why, oh why can't I?

Judy Garland “Somewhere Over the Rainbow” 1939:

“Iz” sings “Somewhere Over the Rainbow”:

Eva Cassidy sings Over the Rainbow:

Renee Zellweger sings Over the Rainbow:

Aretha Franklin sings Over the Rainbow:

“Somewhere Over the Rainbow”/ 

Karaoke version with Lyrics”:

NOTE: When this song was composed, the world was on WWII’s doorstep. During this troubled time, much spiritual material was coming forth in many ways. Study the words of the song, and you’ll see the spiritual message. Also, search using the parameter: ‘Spiritual meaning song somewhere over the rainbow’.

Saturday, December 24, 2022

AGW: Winter Storms Affected By Global Warming

The polar regions are warming faster than than the rest of the planet. This has resulted in a weakening of the ‘polar vortexes’ and the ‘polar jet streams’.

[Indeed, a family friend in Alaska says that winters there are twenty degrees warmer than normal, though “you don’t really feel the difference at fifty below zero”.]

Regarding the recent Winter Storm Elliott, it was a hard freeze that resulted from the weakened polar jet stream slipping further down towards the lower latitudes, whereas 2021 Winter Storm Uri was a ‘polar vortex event’.

Note: For more information, copy and paste the above paragraph(s) as your search parameters on your favorite search engine.

Related postings on polar vortexes:

Friday, December 23, 2022

AGW: Simple Classroom Demonstrations About the Greenhouse Effect

Before accepting or denying global warming as a reality, it’s helpful to understand what the absorption of heat (long wave infrared radiation) by carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases means. The following three short videos do just that:

#1 “Greenhouse in a Beaker”

#2 “Infrared radiation absorption by CO2”

Note: The above video about infrared absorption is, also, imbedded in the following excellent video about water vapor as a greenhouse gas (at the 4 minute mark): 


Tuesday, December 20, 2022

AGW: Is the Greenhouse Effect A Blessing or A Curse?

Water vapor, though a greenhouse gas, is condensable and, therefore, precipitates out of the atmosphere. It would not be able to sustain the greenhouse effect by itself. It depends on carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous dioxide, et al for its furtherance. If it weren’t for these greenhouse gases, the Earth would be a giant ball of ice. However, with too much of such a good thing, a Hothouse Earth will be the result.’

>For more on the subject, copy and paste the above paragraph into your favorite search engine. Examples of such search results—

How Water Vapor Amplifies Earth’s Greenhouse Effect:

Water Vapor and Climate Change:

Water Vapor As A Greenhouse Gas:

>Related postings on water vapor—

AGW: A ‘Sign of the Times’— Melting Permafrost

‘What could easily become the factor to push us past the tipping point for runaway global warming is the methane release from the melting of permafrost and oceanic methane hydrate, neither of which we have direct control over — though it has been our activities that has caused it.’

For more information, copy and paste the above statement into your favorite search engine and have a go at it.

>Examples of search results—

“Fact Check: Is An Arctic Methane Bomb About To Go Off”

“How Close Are We To Climate Tipping Points?”

>Related postings —

Melting Permafrost (by relevance):

Melting Permafrost (by date):

Monday, December 19, 2022

AGW: Greenhouse Gases and Snowball Earth

‘When the Earth first formed, the sun was dimmer than it is now. Despite this, our planet was very hot because the levels of methane and carbon dioxide were very high. Then, when cyanobacteria evolved and consumed almost all of these two greenhouse gases, temperatures dropped to the point that the Earth froze over into a solid chunk of ice. It stayed that way for tens of millions of years until volcanic action managed to eventually release enough CO2 into the atmosphere that the greenhouse effect freed the planet.’ 

Related postings:

Cyanobacteria, the Game Changer 

Snowball Earth:

Saturday, December 17, 2022

AGW: Speaking Plainly About Global Climate Change

‘If the greenhouse effect were not such a powerful force, the Earth would’ve been frozen into a solid chunk of ice hundreds of millions of years ago.’

For additional information, use the above statement as your Internet search terms.

Examples of such results:

“If Emissions of Greenhouse Gases Were Stopped…” 

“What Is the Greenhouse Effect?”

“How Exactly Does Carbon Dioxide Cause Global Warming?” 

“The Greenhouse Effect and Our Planet” 

Related postings:

“Global Warming Stronger Than Milankovitch Cycle”

AGW postings by relevance:

AGW postings by date:

Thursday, December 15, 2022

AGW: Enhanced Greenhouse Effect

Greenhouse gases, carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, ozone and fluorinated gases (non-condensable) are responsible for determining the global levels of water vapor (condensable), also a greenhouse gas. The natural levels of these gases in the atmosphere that trigger the absorption of ‘infrared radiation’ (better known as heat) have kept our planet’s oceans from freezing into a solid chunk of ice for hundreds of millions of years. Now, however, the new reality of increasingly higher and higher levels of unnaturally produced and released greenhouse gases assures us of quite the opposite.

Related posting:

AGW postings by relevance:

AGW postings by date:

Saturday, December 10, 2022

AGW: World Situation (The Big Picture)

Milankovitch Cycles determine the regularity of the Great Ice Ages during which much of the Earth’s surface becomes covered with thick ice sheets as ocean levels drop by hundreds of feet. Only the middle latitudes remained hospitable and had a total livable land mass that was considerably less than what is available now during our current interglacial period. However, in the future, we’re looking at the prospect of a total ‘reversal’ wherein the equatorial latitudes will not be very habitable — while polar latitudes will become increasingly more livable. In both extremes, the total habitable land mass will no longer be able to sustain the current population levels. Thus, the number of souls that can be incarnated will be considerably less than are currently embodied.

AGW postings by relevance:

AGW postings by date:

Tuesday, December 6, 2022

AGW: Quantum Dynamic That Powers The Greenhouse Effect

Infrared light is ‘heat radiation’ transmitted as photons (photonic energy). This is a quantum level function that is, also, true of visible light and all of the other frequencies of the electromagnetic spectrum emitted by suns.

When the quantum wave function of a photon is blocked, it collapses and energy is released into whatever interfered with it. 

Example: When an infrared photon strikes an atom of carbon dioxide, energy is transferred into the molecule at the quantum level. 

Note: This does not occur with nitrogen and such because of insufficient mass.

Classroom Demonstration of the

Greenhouse Effect (short videos):

“Greenhouse in a Beaker (In the Greenhouse #2)”

“Iain Stewart demonstrates infrared radiation absorption by CO2”

“What Is Infrared Radiation?”

“Global Warming — An Inconvenient History”

AGW postings by relevance:

AGW postings by date:

Monday, December 5, 2022

AGW’s Connection With Spirituality and Free Will

While some willfully choose to believe that apocalyptic global warming events are inevitable because of God’s Will, others think that God will not allow runaway global warming to occur because He promised not to destroy mankind again by flood. Note, however, that He didn’t say anything about ‘by fire’ — and neither was it said that He wouldn’t let us destroy ourselves by fire and/or flood. Indeed, in the Garden of Eden, He had clearly demonstrated that He was respectful of our Free Will — we ‘willingly chose’ to eat from the ‘Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil’. According to Cosmic Law, we were thusly banished. He will not protect us from our own deliberate actions, such as those that result in the amplification of the Greenhouse Effect’s interacting with building carbon emissions and increasing methane releases from melting frozen tundra. 

Note: We need to remind ourselves that the heat retention qualities of greenhouse gases are an example of Physical Law which is a part of God’s Cosmic Law. The Law of Cause and Effect is where physical law and cosmic law intersect.

If we want His help, then we need to ask for it, now (before it’s too late). 
Search: ‘prayers about global warming’
“O Thou kind Lord! Unite all. Let the religions agree and make the nations one, so that they may see each other as one family and the whole earth as one home. May they all live together in perfect harmony. O God!”

Note: Though I don’t take all of the biblical scriptures literally (too much of the deeper meaning is lost to do so), I do offer the following for those who do and are concerned about global climate change:

“The Bible Doesn’t Talk About Climate Change, Right?”

from channel, Global Weirding: