Sunday, June 14, 2020

Karma & Group Karma

[Sanskrit karman, nominative karma, “act,” “deed,” “work”] Energy/consciousness in action; the law of cause and effect and retribution. Also called the law of the circle, which decrees that whatever we do comes full circle to our doorstep for resolution.
Paul said, “Whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.”[1] Newton observed, “For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.”
The law of karma necessitates the soul’s reincarnation until all karmic cycles are balanced. Thus, from lifetime to lifetime man determines his fate by his actions, including his thoughts, feelings, words, and deeds.

Group Karma — Energies exchanged by the members of a family, a group, a community, a nation, or a planet.
Group karma is made by individuals when they either move together or fail to move together in concerted action. This karma may be good or bad, positive or negative; that is, individuals acting as a group may misqualify energy or they may qualify it correctly to the glory of God and man. Individuals who have been tied together in the past must reembody as a group in order to work out negative group karma.

“Group Karma aka Collective Karma”

Karma: Not Just Action —

“Transmute Karma”
“Saint Germain Transmute Karma”
“Transmute Group Karma”

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