Monday, June 29, 2020

COVID-19: Humility vs Hubris

To observe someone willfully and deliberately committing a wrongful act...

What would you, if you could, say to a well heeled woman who gets out of her big shiny SUV and walks into a coffee shop (not wearing a face mask) to order her coffee drink from the mask wearing barista. Everyone else (coming and going) is wearing a face mask, but she seems oblivious. Perhaps she is depending on everyone else’s wearing face masks to minimize the danger to her; but, if she’s so thoughtless and careless in this one instance, she’s likely encountered others of her own ilk and is, thus, a specific danger to the barista who likely doesn’t have health insurance. What then, when she next goes into the dry cleaners next door to be served by the next potential victim of her hubris. And when she opens her vehicle’s door, there’s an unoccupied child’s safety seat — what other lessons of entitlement are being disseminated in her home (and others like hers)?

Note: The hubris of not wearing a face mask cuts across all cultural and socio-economic lines. Fortunately, the humility of appropriate face mask usage is more commonly observed than the malevolence of the immoral behavior described above. 

Related postings:

Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Law of Love & Law of Karma

As your Spirit shines forth thru your Soul (which possesses your untransmuted karma), shadow images manifest within your human life.

“Of course Divine Love is the master presence and authority of the entire universe, and its law supersedes all others. However, as applied to those who will not use that Law of Love, the karmic law by its very nature must return to its sender the energy sent forth qualified by human shadow, and always gathering more of its kind with accumulated energy of the same qualification. At times, retribution for the misuses of God’s life follows like a swift arrow that action which set the cause in motion and produces the effect of returning karma.
The chalice of the heart is the generative point in man from which the gentle, Godlike feelings of Divine Love emanate; and these feelings qualify the thoughts, spoken words, and actions of each lifestream. You see, feelings account for the greatest percentage of man’s qualification of his daily allotment of energy–about 90 percent; whereas thought uses only about 10 percent. As the individual release his feelings from his heart and solar plexus, often as on swift wings, they travel around the world fulfilling the law of the circle, and they never fail to return to their source!
Therefore, watch the feelings you allow to pass through your lifestream. For they are even more important than your thoughts. It is easy to test this truth. For instance, if there is a difference between your thoughts and your feelings, most of the time your feelings will win out, because they represent the greater pressure of energy that is acting. Do you see?
So while standing watchful guard over your feelings, be sure to restrain the unhappy mood; and as quickly as you are aware of its presence, turn your attention to something pleasant in your surroundings or, better still, to one of us, and thus change that mood instantly from that which distresses you to that which gives you Light and its joyous expression.
So, to bring you divine illumination that emanates from above the stars and is sent from my heart to yours with a twinkle! again I say–
Let the twinkle of mirth
Abound on earth!
For joy is one of the virtues of Divine Love; and joy and mirth are vibrations that in your application of the Law assist you to attain much more quickly your daily as well as your ultimate victory. Such victory I AM expressing–all ways!”
Related posting:

Tuesday, June 23, 2020

COVID-19: Influence On Election

I vote. I enjoy going to the polls and being part of the civic process. I’ve served on juries. I like taking part in what’s going on, and I stay abreast of ongoing current events. 

But, this year I likely won’t be going to the polls. I’ll vote by mail — too many people aren’t wearing their face masks. This means that the Covid pandemic will give an edge to the more passionate voters.
[Note that the reactionary tendencies of conservatives may bring about a reversal of their resistant attitude about wearing face masks after the ‘fear factor’ kicks in strongly enough with ever increasing numbers of Covid-19 infections.]

Note: It’s possible that my mail-in ballot might not even be counted. If not, then that’s another ‘sign of the times’, just as having metal detectors in schools makes a clear unmitigated statement about what’s going on in ‘our’ world. Not just ‘my world’ — but yours, mine and everybody else’s.

All-Mail Elections (aka Vote-By-Mail)

Covid-19 postings:

Monday, June 22, 2020

Split Ticket Voting: Now A Thing Of The Past

Over the years, my voting strategy had evolved into a split ticket voting strategy. However, since my greatest concern is global warming, until the Democrats focus on this and drop the open borders notion, I’ll generally not be able to vote for any them.
My former voting strategy:
“Since American politics has become so irresponsibly partisan, it is probably wise to not allow either party to dominate. I, therefore, will split my ticket in the following manner:
1)Republican for upper legislative bodies
2)Democrat for lower legislative bodies
3)For Executive offices, whichever candidates are more able and willing to sustain bipartisanship, especially in regards to global warming and immigration control
4)For all other offices, whichever candidates best recognize both the danger of ‘global warming’ and of ‘open borders’.
Note: In the event that a particular individual candidate that meets the above criteria is too reprehensible to vote for, then I’ll either support the other party’s candidate for that office, a third party candidate, or do a write in vote.
To help narrow the field of choices, begin by first searching:
‘voter guide (?) county’

Note: Voting is only one aspect of influencing governance. How we spend our money, what media selections we make, what organizations we support, etcetera are others. For example, I used to support environmental groups; but, since they’ve all gone pro-immigration, I’ve dropped them. Also, for many years, I’ve tried to avoid things made in China and try not to click on any clickbait headlines. My primary news source is The Week magazine. Etcetera.”

Related posting:
Least Biased News-

Sunday, June 21, 2020

Biased & Least Biased News Sources

For least biased news sources, click on:
Then for ten categories of varying types of bias, click on the “Bias Categories Menu” icon.

Then simply scroll down the page until you see the list of links in red. Click on those that catch your eye.

For example, the first on in the list is:
9News – KUSA (
Click on it and you’ll find at the bottom of the detailed report given about this Denver TV station, you’ll find their link to click on that takes you to their website:

Each different news source is given a detailed report. At the end of each report is the link to their website.

Bookmark those that appeal to you.

Many will offer to send you their newsletter. Note that it is easy to unsubscribe at any point in time if and when you want to. By adding and deleting news sources and/or newsletters, you can curate news that fits your needs best.

Related postings:

Monday, June 15, 2020

Reincarnation: Re-embodiment “Keystone in the Arch of Being”

“Now, as I have earlier mentioned, it would be most beneficial if the human monad would refrain from prejudgment in matters of cosmic doctrine and even better if he could universally accept the reality of reembodiment. For it is in the acceptance of ‘this fact of life’ that he will truly discern the ‘Wisdom of the Ages’ and more easily understand his reason for being.
It is most difficult for people in any age, observing in the life span of a comparatively few short years a series of events relative to the personal self, to be able to judge the world in which they live and the society from which they have derived both bane and blessing, and then to be able to perceive matters pertaining to the spirit and properly assess them.
By correctly understanding and accepting his own reembodiment, the individual develops a cosmic sense of the continuity of self—past, present, and future—and is better equipped to see behind the surface effects of today's circumstances the underlying personal causes that stretch back across the dust of centuries.”

“Simply because men lack conscious memory of a previous existence does not deny the validity of this Truth. Many have experienced the sudden feeling of having done before that which they are doing for the first time in this life. Others recall in a flash of recognition (deja-vu) that they have seen a face or place before. Then, of course, there is ‘love at first sight’ which is to be explained by soul recognition from past lives or inner-level awareness.
Many have noted with interest the incidence of genius (that some call a "gift" or "talent") in art, music, and science, or other aptitudes that appear at an early age, indicating the soul's resumption of the broken thread of identity. Modern physicians take note of the distinct personality of babies on the day of their birth. And all over the world fascinating stories have been documented concerning people's recall of vivid scenes and experiences from a past life.
Man has been justifiably skeptical of some of this, yet Truth reveals itself not as a pseudoscience but as the very science of Being without end. Think how glorious, how full of hope life can be to all who therefore see before them not death but only self-transformation as the alchemy of positive change!—to all who see in the law of reembodiment an opportunity for the slow learners and the rebellious to recover in new dignity from error's stains, rising at last from the astral sea of identity, the personal morass of mortality, into
the morning of eternal hope and the crown of victorious Life!...”

Saint Germain On Alchemy: 
Formulas for Self-transformation
Page 287
(#319 of 509)  

Human monad -

Related postings about reincarnation:

Sunday, June 14, 2020

Karma & Group Karma

[Sanskrit karman, nominative karma, “act,” “deed,” “work”] Energy/consciousness in action; the law of cause and effect and retribution. Also called the law of the circle, which decrees that whatever we do comes full circle to our doorstep for resolution.
Paul said, “Whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.”[1] Newton observed, “For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.”
The law of karma necessitates the soul’s reincarnation until all karmic cycles are balanced. Thus, from lifetime to lifetime man determines his fate by his actions, including his thoughts, feelings, words, and deeds.

Group Karma — Energies exchanged by the members of a family, a group, a community, a nation, or a planet.
Group karma is made by individuals when they either move together or fail to move together in concerted action. This karma may be good or bad, positive or negative; that is, individuals acting as a group may misqualify energy or they may qualify it correctly to the glory of God and man. Individuals who have been tied together in the past must reembody as a group in order to work out negative group karma.

“Group Karma aka Collective Karma”

Karma: Not Just Action —

“Transmute Karma”
“Saint Germain Transmute Karma”
“Transmute Group Karma”

Related postings:

Purpose of Reincarnation (Re-embodiment)

“When correctly understood, the truth of reembodiment (stranger than the fiction of one life) provides the greatest hope for mankind. Reembodiment is neither an excuse nor a release from the full responsibility and karmic accountability for one’s errors. On the contrary, reembodiment provides for a continuation of experience on earth, which (although moving in broken sequences) is the means whereby the soul can evolve progressively toward victory, self-mastery and attainment.
It can be asked, What is the real purpose of reembodiment? Nature herself will provide the answer. When God created man in his own image, it was in the image of immortality. Man’s fall from that higher image into the bondage of the flesh resulted in a negative karmic record that, had he only had one embodiment, would have prevented his manifestation of eternal life.
The real purpose of reembodiment is to provide the opportunity—the cycles of years and events—wherein man can live and learn to do well. What a frightening thing it would be if the millions upon millions of souls who have come and gone upon this planet without having had the opportunity of hearing the teachings of the Master Jesus were without hope for a future opportunity to follow in his footsteps!”

Related postings on reincarnation:

Saturday, June 13, 2020

COVID-19: Pandemic Optimism, Pessimism and Naiveté

“Twenty-nine percent (29%) of voters now believe the worst of the coronavirus pandemic is behind us. A Ballotpedia survey found that 42% disagree and think the worst is still to come. Another 29% are not sure.”
[Date — June 10, 2020 (select this date in the given archive for the reference).]

The bulk of pandemic optimists and those unsure are Republicans. Most Democrats believe that the worst of the pandemic is still ahead of us.
Polling finds public trust in medical scientists has increased, but only among Democrats

Partisanship on Pandemic Response

My Comment: Anyone who does not know that the worst of the Covid virus pandemic is ahead of us is naive.

Related COVID-19 postings (by relevance):

Related COVID-19 postings (by date):

Friday, June 12, 2020

COVID-19: Self(ish) Reasons To Wear A Face Mask

Keeping in mind the asymptomatic nature of the Covid virus, it’s an especially good idea to wear a mask to protect others as well as yourself.
But, even if you’re not concerned about other people, consider that what wearing a face mask can do specifically just for you alone: 

1)Reduce the viral load that you’d be infected with otherwise, thus making your immune response less ‘dramatic’;
2)Reduce your touching of your face absentmindedly and help minimize cross contamination;
3)Reduce the hostility directed at you by others;
4)Reduce the subconscious guilt (regrets) you’d feel for endangering others by consciously and deliberately choosing to not wear a face mask. 

“The Truth About Masks”

Related COVID-19 postings (by relevance):

Related COVID-19 postings (by date):

Video, using infrared, shows spread of cold, flu and Covid viruses as we talk and breathe:

Thursday, June 11, 2020

COVID-19: 5th Grade Math Tells the Story

80% of new Covid cases are caused by about 10% of those who are contagious (super spreaders), hence, the problematic nature of those who do not yet properly appreciate the importance of wearing face masks. At best, only about 1/5 of Covid cases are able to be officially reported — so factor that into the news reports. Thus, if you’re in public (and, especially when you’re in an enclosed space) and you see a face mask violator, shun them with as much space as feasible. 
Note: If they’re flagrantly violating pandemic protocols and you’re in a business, retreat to a safe distance and call the store management. Let them deal with it. If they don’t, then that’s another issue.

Related COVID-19 postings (by relevance):

Related COVID-19 postings (by date):

Wednesday, June 10, 2020

COVID-19: Closer and Closer

By now, someone you know knows someone who has been infected with the Covid virus, and this ‘someone’ may not even be aware of it due to the all too often asymptomatic nature of the disease that is turning people into super carriers. 

Unfortunately, I know someone who lost two members of his extended family to the pandemic last week. Others in this particular social grouping are showing symptoms. The rest of this story will be unfolding for a long time yet.

Note: As the second wave builds, much of it will continue lie undetected under the surface like the building of a tsunami in deep water. Any notion that the worst of the pandemic is over is simple minded naiveté. 


Related COVID-19 postings (by relevance):

Related COVID-19 postings (by date):

Thursday, June 4, 2020

COVID-19: ‘Typhoid Mary Mentality’ of Those Who Don’t Wear Face Masks

Because of Covid-19’s often presymptomatic and asymptomatic characteristics, many people are “infected” but don’t know it. Thus, they unknowingly spread the virus by simply breathing and talking. They’re a part of the ‘Typhoid Mary’ phenomenon that is helping spread the Covid virus amongst us.

What’s morbidly interesting is that the real life Typhoid Mary was caught and eventually released on her own recognizance with the understanding of certain limitations to prevent the spreading of typhoid. She soon, however, went back to her old ways and sparked another outbreak of typhoid before being imprisoned. And she did this knowing that she was an asymptomatic super spreader of typhoid. 

Imagine now the number of people you see mingling with you in public that are not properly wearing a face mask who are asymptomatic. What we have on our hands is a growing social epidemic of coronavirus super spreaders that would make Typhoid Mary proud.

After the second wave of Covid infections really gets going, instead of violence being initiated against those trying to enforce face mask usage, it’ll be against face mask violators. As fear grips the nation when people realize that the pandemic is just getting started, those that are most obviously perpetuating it will be like lightning rods for anger.

Super Spreaders

Search: ‘Covid super spreaders’

Related COVID-19 postings (by relevance):

Related COVID-19 postings (by date):