Friday, December 21, 2018

The Porch Light Was On, But No One Was Home

Until Trump pulled us out of the official international effort to reduce the artificial emissions of greenhouse gases, I’d covered a variety of other topics. Since then though, I’ve been devoted primarily to trying to help global warming deniers to “see the light”. Lately, I’ve focused on the greenhouse effect, because global warming cannot be rationally denied if the physical science showing how CO2 blankets the Earth is understood.

It seems though that the one who hasn’t been seeing the light is me. You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make it drink. And, if it has a burr under the saddle, you can’t even do that.

So, if you are a reader of my blog, I’m glad to be of service. And I do apologize for not allowing comments. Past experience taught me that dealing with trolls was too discouraging. I would, however, encourage you to post a blog of your own (if you’re not already doing so). 
[I prefer using Blogger because of their good security protocols and good directions for setting it up in any configuration you like. If you’re wondering how to get started, just use search term: “How to use Blogger”.]

Note: To take better advantage of my collection of postings, please read the directions next to the ‘thumb up’ logo below to use the web version to search my blog for topics you are interested in. For example, the search using the word Life yields:

But, the words ‘life on Earth’ yields: