Sunday, October 21, 2018

If It Weren’t For Bad News....

...there’d be no news at all.

Most of the news media seems to be stuck in a negative feedback loop. Though it is extremely useful and beneficial when handled properly and impartially as in the way that negative feedback steers a self guided torpedo to its target, it is largely detrimental when the information itself emphasizes material designed for its emotional reactivity and is too light on meaningful and accurate information. The worst abuses come from ‘shock jock entertainers’ like Rush Limbaugh and Howard Stern, though Noam Chomsky and Steven Bannon are also perpetrators with an agenda.

Note: Supposedly smart people who protest ‘stupidity’ too loudly are all too often deliberately ignorant of the big picture because of preconceived notions. So, when they go on-and-on, I think they “doth protest too much”. They’re actually ‘projecting’.

Supplemental reading: