Monday, October 29, 2018

Global Warming & Corporate Enablers

Dark Humor sums it all up in one frame:

With a higher than average number of psychopaths, sociopaths and narcissists in corporate executive positions in general, I suspect that the percentage is even higher for oil and coal company executives (remember the up close TV coverage of Senate hearings of tobacco company executives). Especially when considering the use of an ongoing disinformation campaign from fossil fuel interest (that is very similar in methodology to the propaganda used by tobacco companies) to cripple a united front to move towards renewable energy sources and away from fossil fuel usage.

Even so, that does not excuse any of us for believing that the greenhouse effect is somehow not real. They have preyed upon our fears and offer us false hope by enabling us to more easily use denial as a psychological defense mechanism. And it is precisely this lack of mental acumen that corporate and political “manipulative personality disorders” prey upon.

[This is not a secret. Indeed, it is well publicized. Not that the average citizen is likely to believe it or even care, which is a bit ‘schitzy’ in and of itself. Thus, our president was right when he said he could gun someone down on the street and his people would give him a free pass.]

One minute video of tobacco executives stating that tobacco is not addictive:

“Why big tobacco didn’t fail” 
(3 minute video)
Revenues for U.S. tobacco companies hit $117 billion in 2016, up from $78 billion in 2001. How the industry succeeded despite lawsuits, rising taxes and declining smoking rates:

Professions with the most psychopaths:

Link Between psychopathy and leadership:

Narcissistic CEOs Kill Their Companies:

Psychological Manipulation/ Antisocial, Borderline and Narcissistic:,_borderline_and_narcissistic_personality_disorders

Bright Humor:

Sunday, October 28, 2018

“Young Sheldon” finds religion: CBS TV Season 1 Episode 11

“A worried Mary sends Sheldon to Sunday school after she finds him playing Dungeons and Dragons with his friends Tam and Billy.”

Dungeons and Dragons (4 min.):
Pastor Jeff gets involved(4 min.):

About Being Catholic, Jewish, Mormon (3 minutes):

The Binary Gods (3 minutes):

Friday, October 26, 2018

Undeniability of Global Warming

There can be no denial of global warming without first denying the physical science of the greenhouse effect:
“Visible light of the ‘electromagnetic spectrum’ passes through the atmosphere. It strikes and warms the surface of Earth as the result of being converted to infrared radiation (IR). Carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases absorb and reradiate this heat. It is this heat index that is increased as the volume of greenhouse gases increases in the atmosphere.”

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Global Warming and Reincarnation

When reading comments about a YouTube video on global warming, I noted that one commenter remarked that he felt fortunate to be in his sixties in the sense that he would not be around to experience the increasing levels of hardship that climate change would inflict upon younger generations and beyond. Upon reading this, I sardonically thought, “Don’t be too sure! The effects of global warming will be felt for a very, very long time.” Even if you were to not reincarnate for 800 years or more upon Earth, you could still only be walking into the worst of it (along with other reincarnating souls that lived during the time of increasing greenhouse gas levels). 

Long term effects:


Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Understanding the Greenhouse Effect

In order to appreciate what the future holds for ‘all of Life’ on Earth, it is essential to understand the basic physics of the ‘greenhouse effect’.

My explanation:
Visible light of the ‘electromagnetic spectrum’ passes through the atmosphere. It strikes and warms the surface of Earth as the result of being converted to infrared radiation (IR). Carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases absorb and reradiate this heat. It is this heat index that is increased as the volume of greenhouse gases increases in the atmosphere.

What is the greenhouse effect:

Previous postings that helps explain:

Postings relating to general topic of greenhouse effect:

Monday, October 22, 2018

Global Warming: About the Polar Vortex

Global warming is ushering in more variable weather patterns as the biosphere becomes more energetic. That’s the gist of what global warming climate change is all about.

Understanding how some regions will experience colder weather at times in the form of polar vortices is part of understanding the overall ramifications of what climate change is all about. Another part is Arctic storms registering temperatures that are over twenty degrees Fahrenheit above average. [A family friend lives in inland Alaska and testifies to this. And, I quote, “When the storm raging outside is 20 degrees below zero instead of forty below, you can’t feel the difference; but, it’s there. In the summer though, you can see the differences creeping in. And we have for a long time now.”

NBC Climate Series (26 minutes):

Climate of the Arctic

Ancient Greenhouse Gases: Givers and Takers of Life

Once upon a time, there was a planet whose sun was dimmer during the first half of the planet’s existence than during the last half of its geologic history. Yet, temperatures were higher during the first half. Why?! How could this be? It was because of the high levels of the greenhouse gases methane and carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. But then, Cyanobacteria (blue green algae) evolved and thru photosynthesis released oxygen as a byproduct. Eventually, the methane and CO2 levels were lowered until the temperatures decreased to the point that the planet was entirely locked in ice. This lasted for millions and millions of years. Finally enough carbon dioxide was emitted by volcanoes and eventually a balance between oxygen and CO2 was achieved. From this point on, the only extinctions that ever occurred were when flood basalt events caused CO2 levels to spike on this, our planet, Earth.

Snowball Earth (4 minutes)


Snowball Earth


Sunday, October 21, 2018

Making Sense of Climate Science Denial

Skepticism is healthy. Denialism is not.

Climate Change Denial (3 minute)

Psychological Barriers to Concern About Climate Change (7 minutes):

Reclaiming Populism from Plutocrats (Like 'He Who Shall Remain Nameless')

"....It’s necessary to restate the history of populism and reassert its true spirit because both are being subverted today by corporate manipulators and a careless media establishment. To these debasers of the language, any politico (think Donald Trump or Sarah Palin) or pundit (such as Rush Limbaugh) who taps into any popular anger (toward Obama, liberals, Muslims, the IRS, poor people, unions, gays, immigrants, Hollywood, community organizers, environmentalists, etc.) gets a peel-off populist label slapped on–even when their “populist” pose operates as a front for one or another corporate interest. That’s not populism; it’s rank hucksterism—plutocracy in disguise...."

Short Greenhouse Effect Videos

“The 'Greenhouse Effect' discovered in 1824 by Joseph Fourier is what keeps the earth from being a frozen ball in space. Without greenhouse gases (GHG's) the temperature of earth would be below freezing and incapable of supporting life as we know it. It is precisely because GHG's other than water are such a tiny fraction of the atmosphere that adding a little more can have a large effect on the climate system of earth.”
A Climate Minute - The Greenhouse Effect (2 minutes):

Climate Change Is Boring- (5 minutes):

How Global Warming Works:
Variety of short clips-

Variety of my postings on the subject of greenhouse effect:

Major Greenhouse Gases Levels Rising

Nitrous oxide, methane and carbon dioxide are the major gases that enhance the greenhouse effect by capturing reradiated infrared radiation from the Earth's surface and subsequently warming the troposphere (lower atmosphere). Atmospheric levels of all three have been growing due to human activities. Once released, they remain as greenhouse gases in the biosphere for very long periods of time.

Defining Neutrality

"First, let’s define neutrality.
Here’s the basic idea: if you’re neutral, you don’t take a position. You present all sides fairly and let your reader decide which is correct.
A disputed topic is treated neutrally if each viewpoint about it is not asserted but rather presented as sympathetically as possible, bearing in mind that other, competing views must be represented as well, and with an equitable amount of space being allotted to each, whatever that might be.
On this account, neutrality is a concept dealing specifically with disputed topics, and it has three basic requirements.
First, if an issue that is mentioned in the text is disputed, the text takes no position on the issue. Neutrality is not some midpoint in between competing options. A political moderate’s positions are not “the neutral positions”: they are positions as well. Neutral writing takes no position, left, right, or middle.
Second, there’s the requirement of tone, or the strength of the case made for a viewpoint. Basically, if you’re going to be neutral, you have to represent all the main views about the topic, and you have to represent them all sympathetically, i.e., according to their best, most convincing arguments, evidence, and representatives.
Third, there’s the question of how much space it is fair or equitable to spend in a text on the different sides. Prima facie, it would seem that spending a numerically equal amount of space on both (or all) sides is fair, but it doesn’t always work out that way. 
Basically, to write neutrally is to lay out all sides of any disputed question, without asserting, implying, or insinuating that any one side is correct. If a debated point is mentioned, you represent the state of the debate rather than taking a stand.....”

Ballotpedia: Nonpartisan Online Political Encyclopedia

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Infotainment vs Journalism: News Media For Public Entertainment

Propaganda- information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view.

When hard news goes soft, entertainment takes over.

The first that I ever heard the term yellow journalism was in the fifth grade when it was mentioned in our American History book as a trigger for the Spanish American War.

When I taught high school Language Arts, I collected the National Enquirer copies that my mother was finished with [Yes, she also enjoyed conservative talk radio. But even so, she was pragmatic enough and enough of a horticulturist and nature lover to see that climate change was increasing despite what other conservatives said.] When I had enough so that each student had a copy to peruse, I challenged them to find five things that were solid truths and five things that were flagrant lies. The lies were easy to spot, but the available truths were harder to find because they were so minor and were generally used as a backdrop for the sensationalisms being foisted upon the reader.

If It Weren’t For Bad News....

...there’d be no news at all.

Most of the news media seems to be stuck in a negative feedback loop. Though it is extremely useful and beneficial when handled properly and impartially as in the way that negative feedback steers a self guided torpedo to its target, it is largely detrimental when the information itself emphasizes material designed for its emotional reactivity and is too light on meaningful and accurate information. The worst abuses come from ‘shock jock entertainers’ like Rush Limbaugh and Howard Stern, though Noam Chomsky and Steven Bannon are also perpetrators with an agenda.

Note: Supposedly smart people who protest ‘stupidity’ too loudly are all too often deliberately ignorant of the big picture because of preconceived notions. So, when they go on-and-on, I think they “doth protest too much”. They’re actually ‘projecting’.

Supplemental reading:

Saturday, October 20, 2018

Climate Scientists Share Personal Views

[Note: Since I’ve started blogging heavily about global warming induced climate change, my readership has dwindled to almost zero. I don’t blame people for not wanting to read more on the subject. But, when you have a president who lies as easily as he breathes and a significant portion of the population actually pay attention to him, it makes me queasy and I feel compelled to say something.

Though they are right to be concerned about immigration, we haven’t seen anything yet. The onslaught of climate change induced mass migration will be horrific and completely overwhelming.]

Climate scientists rarely speak publicly about their personal views. But in the wake of some extreme weather events in Australia, the specialists who make predictions about our climate reveal they're experiencing sometimes deep anxieties.
“Climate Scientists Share Personal Views” (9 minutes):


“....Many people do not really understand how big a threat climate change is to humanity.
The changes that we see right now are much faster than anything we have seen in the climate history and that concerns me because it means that ecosystems might not be able to adapt.
It's going to be dramatic. It's going to be very dramatic....”

"Are we doing the right thing? Is it right to bring kids into this world with me knowing how bad it's going to be.
There is so much wrong with climate change and there are so many impacts that we're already looked into that I can't change, that no-one can really change. It's going to be bad and it's almost why would you inflict that on someone?”

“We need to be able to plan our cities better, we need to be able to design them better, keeping in mind what's coming...”

“Climate scientists are under a lot of scrutiny. We get ridiculed a lot by certain people for being alarmists, by going too much into detail. Where in actual fact we're actually probably reservists and are very conservative in our estimates and make sure we're so sure of the numbers before we actually get them out there.
I don't like to scare people, but the future is not looking very good.”

“I don't think there will be any safe places... the impacts are going to be big. So my approach is to be as mobile, as flexible as possible to be able to adapt to whatever is going to happen. My children are bilingual and we're working on a third language.
Both children have three passports, and they actually have the freedom to be able to study and work most anywhere in the future.”

Silver Lining in Bad News

After many years of watching and observing, I feel that the odds of the human race taking sufficiently meaningful proactive measures to diminish global warming will not occur until well after enough dramatic climate change events and weather patterns imbue even the most ardent science denier with enough fear for reactive measures to be initiated. Bipartisan measures can be taken, but unfortunately, the greenhouse gases already in the biosphere will remain to haunt us for ages. Hopefully, this will come to pass before a self sustaining feedback loop of carbon dioxide and methane release establishes itself, which would occur once oceanic methane hydrate gasification enters the feedback loop.

So, understand me when I say that I find any disruption of civilization’s consumption of fossil fuels to be the ‘silver lining’ in what are calamities otherwise. [If we, as a species, cannot take sufficient positive action, then negative consequenes will necessarily increasingly manifest in the world.]

Monday, October 15, 2018

Global Warming: Barbarians At The Gate

Imagine living in Russia at the time in history when the unstoppable Mongol horde was approaching:

“Oleg sat in the center of the keep. There was a lull in the onslaught of the Mongol assault. He knew the end was near for them, and his mind wandered back to when they’d first heard of the approaching storm from the east. Most had doubted that such horrendous portends could be true; but, a few who personally knew the harbingers of the bad news and knew them to be of good repute and had fled westward with them. 

Oleg himself had instantly believed the ill tidings. Ominous dreams had been plaguing him for months. Indeed, their verification was almost a relief, for he had begun doubting his sanity. And though he instantly organized the rapid departure of his grown children and their offspring, as an old man he had chosen to stay in order to help waylay the advancing menace. And now, all that remained for him and his comrades was the ‘moment of truth’.”

Now, as I sit in the center of my living room, I feel a bit like Oleg did when he knew it would end badly. I’ve studied Earth Science, and I understand how and why global warming is unstoppable, given the human equation as it is. I had my early warning in the late 70s (others were given the same information as me, and most chose to ignore it). As a result, I am as prepared as much as one can reasonably be. Though that’s mainly by having no grandchildren, it’s also by being debt free, moving to an area with assured clean water supplies, live in an extremely well insulated house on high ground (limestone hill), and reside in an area with similarly minded people.

Note: Like Oleg, many other of our brethren throughout history have witnessed unstoppable destructive forces overwhelming their civilizations. Usually there was little or nothing that they could have done to prevent the tragedies they faced — be it barbarians at the gates, disease infested conquistadors, plague carrying rats and their fleas, extended droughts, etcetera. 

In our world, however, one such “Oleg” is the equatorial farmer whose livelihood and family will be ghosted within his expected lifetime. And the onslaught is from global warming brought on by all of us who consume the benefits from fossil fuels. There is justice though: no one will be spared in our shared ‘moment of truth’. Not even the “barbarians” at the gates.

Mongol invasion of Rus’:

Coping with existential fears:
[Sometimes fears are not existential.]

Sunday, October 14, 2018

Quotes: Stupidity Is Similar To Evil...

"Stupidity is often similar to evil, if you judge by the results."

”Stupidity is an elemental force beyond even that of earthquakes.”

“People believe lies not because they have to, but because they want to.”

When sufficient proactive measures are not taken, reactive measures will eventually follow and are seldom sufficient nor desirable. Example: world overpopulation, global warming, etcetera 

"All truth passes through three stages:
first, it is ridiculed;
next, it is violently attacked;
finally, it is held to be self-evident."

“By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.”

While it is good to be cautious about defining reality, it is imperative to never ever repeat untruths, least you be corrupted and your judgement impaired. 

”You never change things by fighting the existing reality.
To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.”

“I stand on the shoulders of those that came before me.”

“Don’t go tilting at every windmill that you see.”

“Neither fire nor wind, birth nor death can erase our good deeds”.

“Think about it, then use your heart.”

“I can’t change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.”

“Whatever is begun in anger, ends in shame.”

“A free society, in which private organizations and the free market carry out the needed functions, allows for pluralism. Socialism levels everything.”

“What happened happened because it needed to happen because it happened.”

”The true test of a man’s character is what he does when no one is watching.”

 “Waste no more time arguing about what a good man should be. Be one.”

”It’s not enough to stand up for what is right, you also have to stand up against what is wrong.”

Don’t say anything that you wouldn’t want repeated.

“Darkness cannot drive out darkness, only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate, only love can do that.”

”The problem with the world is that the intelligent people are full of doubts, while the stupid ones are full of confidence.”

”Much of our reality is dictated by biology.”

Both a blessing and a curse:
May we all see ourselves as we really are.
May they receive everything they deserve in this life.

What was WAS;
What wasn’t WAS NOT.
What is IS;
What ain’t AIN’T.
What will be WILL BE;
What won’t WON’T.

Failed opportunities become challenges; failed challenges become crises; failed crises become tragedies.
The ‘perfect storm’ of these will be insurmountable .

Cynic’s rallying cry: “To the round house boys! They can’t corner you there!”

“It’s the imperfections that tell the story.”

”Whatever you resist persists.”

”You can laugh about almost anything, but not with just anyone.”

”There is only today, but there’s always another tomorrow.”

The Uni•verse from your perspective is different from mine.

Growing old is mostly for the brave.

Saturday, October 13, 2018

Reincarnation: “One Day At A Time”

At a very young age, even though I’d never heard of the notion of reincarnation, I somehow ‘knew’ that we all would be born again and again in the physical sense just as surely as we go to sleep each night and reawaken each morning. I had a sense that some lives would be better than others, just as some days are better than others.

It wasn’t until I was pushing forty that I fully embraced what this meant though. After all, reincarnation is rather daunting in that it means one lives countless physical embodiments while learning life’s lessons. A single incarnation can be tough enough, but at least it’s only for a finite amount of time. Very few of us would want to live forever and ever in physical embodiment or in any other form, unless it were to be in spiritual form. 

‘The Good News’ is that we all already do live forever in spiritual form. Indeed, this is the great news that the Spirit is immortal and already exists in the Spiritual Plane now and forever. It is only when our Spirit chooses to manifest into the physical plane to learn life lessons that this mortal coil we call ‘Life on Earth’ is experienced. But, because while we’re incarnated, we are ‘beyond the veil’. Thus, we don’t remember our Life Before Life (or shall we say, Life Between Life).

It is a joy and a blessing to know that we are spiritual beings having a human experience, but the rigors of countless physical embodiments is challenging, to say the least. For any one who is yet uncertain about their spiritual nature, it’s enough to cause them to cling to Orthodox Christianity’s belief that it’s just ‘once around the block’ and then we’re home forever.

That’s why, whether you believe in reincarnation or not, we can still only live this life that we have here and now ‘one day at a time’.

Dr. Raymond Moody’s Book series beginning with “Life After Life”.

“Inner Worlds, Outer Worlds: Akasha”
Begin at point 15:40

Previous postings:

All Is Vibration, All Is Energy

To gain a better appreciation of frequency and vibration, watch:
"What Is Light?" (4 1/2 minutes)
Kurzgesagt – In a Nutshell
Note: This is one of the best and most essential video clips that I've ever seen.

Watch at least the section about vibration and 'alpa camasca' starting at the 19:30 mark:
Inner Worlds, Outer Worlds - Part 1 - "Akasha" (31 minutes)

In the above video, the following phrase is used:
The Incan word for “human body” was alpa camasca, which means literally, “animated earth.” 