Friday, September 21, 2018

Spirituality 101: Adam and Eve & the Original Sin

If one takes the Genesis story of creation literally, I have a few questions:

Why are there two different Creation stories in Genesis? If one allows for symbolism, then this and other seeming conflicts are not a problem. However, literalism creates unnecessary discrepancies that minimize the true import of the messages of the Bible.

Also, when Adam accepted the fruit from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, did he not recognize it? If not, why not? 

When God brought woman unto man, it was said, “therefore shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall cleave unto his wife”. Does this not imply prescience that sexual reproduction would manifest?

If God told Adam and Eve to be fruitful and multiply, did this not, also, indicate that sexual procreation would be forthcoming? 

I’m not saying that sex is the original sin. The so called ‘original sin’ is the freely (and naively???) choosing mortality over immortality. Choosing to leave the Etheric Plane of existence and to enter the Physical Plane, hence the ‘so-called’ Fall of Man.

Thus, was not the first act of free will in the eating of the forbidden fruit of Knowledge of Good and Evil destined so that we could subsequently, in the latter days, come to accept and be able to freely choose the eternal life offered thru Christ (that of the Tree of Life).

God is all knowing. He would’ve known the likely end of the story at its conception.


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