Thursday, September 20, 2018

Global Warming Continues To Fuel Climate Change

The concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere increases every year, and the rate of increase is not decreasing. The emissions that we are causing today will still be in the atmosphere-ocean system thousands of years from now. Carbon dioxide levels are continuing to grow at an all-time record rate because emissions from coal, oil and natural gas are also at record high levels. We are, as a global society, making an extremely long term climate-change commitment because of the increase in gases such as carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide.

High-tide flooding is happening across the USA at twice the rate it was just 30 years ago. And this flooding isn't necessarily caused by a storm, but by rising seas:

Hurricanes are slowing down worldwide. While this sounds like good news, it isn’t: It’s not that hurricanes’ wind speeds are diminishing, but instead how fast the entire storm moves. As storms move slower, they can unload more heavy rain and pound coastal areas longer, increasing damage. Hurricane Harvey last year was a great example of what a slow storm can do.

Weather Patterns Stalling: