Friday, December 22, 2017

One Fourth of American Christians Believe in Reincarnation

“According to data released by the Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life (2009 survey), not only do a quarter of Americans believe in reincarnation, but 24 percent of American Christians expressed a belief in reincarnation. This represents a significant deviation from the traditional Judaeo-Christian narrative with which most Americans in the baby-boomer generation grew up. You were born. You lived. You died. And after a judgment you went to heaven or hell forever.
The word “reincarnation” derives from Latin and literally means “entering the flesh again.” The conviction is that an imperishable principle (soul) exists in every human being and comes back on this earth after death in a new form. The fate of every person in this life and in future lives is determined by the consequences of good or bad actions in the past or present (karma)”...

My Comment: Fundamentalists of the three Abrahamic religions cannot generally be expected to believe in reincarnation. Indeed, even the fundamentalists of the Hindu religion don’t understand reincarnation and have distorted views (e.g., that a person can be reincarnated as an animal). Fundamentalists think at a basic level and have not progressed in their spiritual understanding. Thus, they really heavily on religious dictates.

Search: Christians reincarnation