Sunday, December 3, 2017

Detoxifying Body by Drinking Bentonite Clay

The following is what I’d sent to an acquaintance whose spouse was experiencing back pain:

“I’d been wondering why clay mud packs could help backaches. So I did some reading, and discovered that putting these on any part of the body that’s experienced damage can sometimes help because they draw out toxic substances from the body.

It seems that an often overlooked factor is toxicity in the body which can hamper normal nerve activity, especially from sites of old injuries. Trauma sites can attract toxins which accumulate in the connective tissue and continually interfere with nerve flow, resulting in pain and other seemingly unrelated symptoms.  These embedded toxins can mean years of delayed healing – or none at all. Pain can be experienced far from the part of the body experiencing symptoms. For example, an old appendix scar might cause migraine headaches or a wisdom tooth extraction scar might cause chronic low back pain. So, I’m guessing that if you guys try the mud pack idea, not only put it where pain is felt, but also where the old injuries occurred.

A product called “Aztec Secret Indian Healing Clay, 2 Pound” for $12 is shown at the WalMart site. Even though they market it as a facial care product, it’s the same stuff that the herbaria’s sell.

However, since detoxification may be the key, I would, instead, recommend doing something that a relative of mine does. They drink a clay drink in the mornings like described under the search”:
“Benefits of clay drink”