Thursday, December 28, 2017

Corporate Interests Advancing in Media

“In just the last few weeks:
1) The Federal Communications Commission, headed by an unabashed Trump supporter, did away with rules that protected "net neutrality," the policy that kept big corporate providers of internet service (like Comcast and Verizon) from discriminating against smaller web sites (like the Lowdown and just about all other independent, non-corporate media).  

2) Before delivering that Christmas present to one set of corporate interests, the FCC greased the skids for another, changing its rules to allow Sinclair Broadcasting, a right-wing owner of TV stations, to gobble up even more local broadcasters. When its merger goes through, Sinclair will control over 200 stations around the country. Sinclair is notorious for forcing its local stations to carry "must-run" right-wing commentaries.  

3) Time magazine has been bought by a group backed with millions of dollars from the Koch brothers. Los Angeles's largest weekly newspaper, the LA Weekly, has been bought by a group with deep conservative ties. The Washington City Paper, long respected for its reporting in our nation's capital, is up for sale and right-wing buyers have been sniffing.”

Jim Hightower,
American Populist