Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Biodynamic Farming: Soil Is An Incredibly Efficient Carbon Sink

“Measuring the organic content of soil is an easy way to assess soil health. Most conventional farms have an organic content below 2 percent. Virgin Midwestern prairie used to be 7 to 8 percent. Good soil has a deep black color, because carbon is black; it's rich and actually smells good.
As noted by Candelario, a French initiative called the 4 Per 1,000 Initiative3 found that if we were to increase the carbon (the organic matter) in all agricultural land around the world by a mere 0.4 percent per year, the annual increase of CO2 in the atmosphere would be halted, because so much carbon would be drawn from the atmosphere.”

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Someday Our Redemption

If mankind destroys civilization by making much of our planet uninhabitable by excessive burning of fossil fuels (unsequestration of carbon), then at least those that follow will not be able to so easily repeat that mistake, because the bulk of easily obtained oil and coal will have already been removed from temptation’s way.

Our descendants will be forced to be smarter about renewable energy sources. And if they’re less greedy, maybe we will become worthy of traveling to the stars.

Monday, October 23, 2017

A Nation Burdened With Liberal and Conservative “Snowflakes”

Snowflake definition:
A hypersensitive, irrational person who can't stand to have their world views challenged, or be offended in any perceived or even slightest of ways; they will have any number of emotional reactions: impuning character and/or motives, blocking on social media, shouting, interrupting, threatening, assaulting, etc. They often live in an echo chamber of their own beliefs and surround themselves exclusively with people and opinions that agree with their own.. This term is currently most often used to describe left-leaning people, but many right-wingers certainly fit the description as well.

The following article references ‘snowflake’ behaviors:
“The Founders of this nation were a radical bunch. Only true revolutionaries would dare to enshrine freedom of speech as the very first, and most fundamental, constitutional right. Human beings don’t find it natural to tolerate views we find threatening or offensive; when people upset or challenge us, our instinct is to make them shut the hell up. For people in power, that temptation is nearly irresistible. This is why the first act of every tyrant is to suppress dissent—and why the First Amendment has always been fragile, especially in times of national crisis. In the current crisis, threats to free speech are coming from both the Left and the Right. Leftist inquisitors have turned college campuses and insular liberal communities into “safe spaces” where “hate speech”—and even mainstream conservative ideas—are impermissible. Violators are banned, fired, and silenced by any means necessary. “Shut it down!” is these righteous censors’ rallying cry.”

“Now it is President Trump who is shouting, “Shut it down.” He doesn’t think African-American NFL players should be “allowed” to kneel during the national anthem as a political protest, and is demanding the league fire them. His stance requires a certain lack of self-awareness, given that Trump began his political career by saying deliberately outrageous and offensive things—insisting, for example, that former Vietnam POW Sen. John McCain was no war hero, because he was taken captive (loser!), and that the then-sitting president was a foreign-born Muslim impostor with no legal right to the office. In certain countries whose authoritarian leaders Trump admires, such impertinence can get you hauled off to a gulag, or your head chopped off by a hooded executioner with a scimitar. Look: Free speech can be very upsetting. But honoring everyone’s right to speak is the only hope we have of seeing anything from another point of view. Let’s deal with it, and stop acting like a nation of snowflakes.”
Editor’s Letter
The Week; Oct. 6, 2017

Search additionally for:
“NFL players defy Trump’s demands.”
Among results:

Theosophy & Spirituality

Theosophy is a collection of philosophies concerning, or seeking direct knowledge of the mysteries of life and nature, particularly of the nature of divinity and the origin and purpose of the universe.

“Examine yourselves; realize that there is divinity within you, call it by what name you please. . . . Examine your own inner movements of consciousness, and you will know that these things of glory are in you. They are the working in you of your inner god, your spiritual inner sun.”


Difference Between Theosophy and Religion:
Theosophists believe that each religion has beliefs which will ultimately lead to a higher power. 

A website for those interested in Theosophy:
Includes Variety of Articles:

Theosophy and Self Identity:
Theosophy is convinced of the self’s autonomous significance based upon the understanding of the sevenfold spiritual nature of the human being combined with the understanding reincarnation and karma.

Theosophy as a scientific religion and a religious science:
“Theosophy is a scientific religion and a religious science”

Saturday, October 21, 2017

Spiritual Essence Postings

My most recent postings relating to spirituality and religious philosophy are listed below (beginning with the most recent):

God IS “All-in-All”

Tao Te Ching - Dao De Ching - By Lao Tzu

Eve's Edenic Gift: Free Will

Reincarnation Humor and Quotes

Advancement from Polytheism to Monotheism

"Proof of Heaven": An NDE Experience

The Bible: Which Parts To Believe?

How Did The Story Of Satan Originate?

Meditation: Samadhi and more

Transform, Transmute Your Lower Self Elements

Excellent Spiritual & Metaphysical Videos on YouTube

Plato's Cave and the "Mighty I Am Presence"

Judaism and Reincarnation

Christians NOT Being Christ•ian

Spiritual Thoughts

God is "All" in 'all' .....

Original Biblical Scriptures: Men Not Over Women

History of the Bible

Psalm 46: Be Still and Know...

Note: There are many more such postings that came before these; but, suffice it to say that these are typical.

Examples —
Spirituality (by relevance)

Spirituality (by date)

Friday, October 20, 2017

God IS “All-in-All”

Consider God’s outermost manifestation as the physical manifestations we witness around us. God surrounds us and is within us. God’s connection to us flows from the Spirit through Christ and into the Soul which manifests itself as what we can think of as our personhood. 

What we call the ‘normal’ matter of the universe is the outward manifestation of God (the Creator). Closer to God, the Source, is normal energy (the electromagnetic spectrum). So called ‘dark matter’ and ‘dark energy’ (called dark because it’s undetectable by our normal matter and normal energy instruments) are closer to the Great Cosmic Being we call God.

Realizing that the Etheric Body Of God flows into all of the above and that God is the Source (Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end), then referencing God as the Creator is accurate. 

Beyond the Cosmic Web? —
“A God's Eye View of the Universe”
3 minute video

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Turn Worry Into Action, Meditations

The following is a write up by Walt Shelton, a part-time professor at Baylor Law School and an environmental attorney in Austin:

“Have you ever characterized yourself or someone else as a “worrier”?”

“I have often thought of myself this way, as if it were an innate condition or personality type that I could not help. Laying aside the important nuances and depths of truly meditative disciplines and psychotherapy, in many cases (mine included), worry is a learned habit. We can create the “worry-monster.” Over time, it becomes ingrained.
In his letter to the Philippians, the Apostle Paul encourages his readers to “think about” certain things and then act, resulting in the “God of peace [being] with you” (Philippians 4:8 - 9). Paul’s list of key volitional thoughts includes “whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is pleasing, [and] whatever is commendable” (Philippians 4:8). In an omnibus category at the close of this list, Paul says: “…if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things” (Philippians 4:9).”

“Turning good thinking into a good new habit that edges a predominant mindset of worry aside requires hard work and consistency. As Ortberg suggests: “Let [good thought] simmer in your mind. Reflect on it from different angles until it becomes part of you” (emphasis added).
Good thinking is one step. Acting on it makes us whole. In Paul’s letter to the Colossians, he says “clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, meekness, and patience … Above all, clothe yourselves with love, which binds everything together in perfect harmony” (Colossians 3:12 and 14, emphasis added). We need to truly wear compassion around all day long. Habitual mental focus is key, but keeping such noble things inside is empty.”

“Have you ever told someone facing difficulty that they are in your thoughts and prayers? I have said this to many people and heard it from others during personal challenges. These are often significant words of comfort in and of themselves. Prayerfully thinking of someone can be powerful. Sometimes, but not often enough, I slow down and listen to my prayers for someone in need. I then ask myself: “What can I do about the circumstances that might help?” In some cases, simple things like a phone call, hand-written note, or personal visit are comforting. Other times, providing a ride or a meal or sitting with a friend in a hospital is most helpful, to the person in need as well as the provider.”

“The New Testament Book of James succinctly links and also contrasts word/thought and deed. In a nutshell, “if any think they are religious” but do not ever do anything about it, “their religion is worthless” (James 1:26). The author’s examples of “pure and undefiled religion” include “caring for orphans and widows” (James 1:27). In a striking example of alleged faith being dead without practical works, the author of James asks: “If a brother or sister is naked and lacks daily food, and one of you says to them, ‘Go in peace; keep warm and eat your fill,’ and yet you do not supply their bodily needs, what is the good of that?”

“The things I tend to fret about mostly relate to myself. Working toward a fresh habit of mental focus and clarity steeped in love can dissolve the worry. Translating such thought into daily acts of kindness results in a more meaningful existence. Suddenly, the things I used to stew over pale in importance and become merely things to think about from time to time.”


Friday, October 13, 2017

There Was No First Human. Will There Be A Last?

If you traced your family tree back 185 million “generations”, you wouldn't be looking at a human, a primate, or even a mammal. You'd be looking at a fish. So where along that line does the first human show up? 
"There Was No First Human"
4 minute YouTube video;

More videos from this YouTube channel:
“Are We All Related”
6 minutes

“Why Are We The Only Humans Left”?
7 minutes

“Where Do Humans Come From”?
6 minutes

The Twelve Days Of Evolution Series:
Each are only two minutes:

“The Sixth Extinction”
9 minutes

Note: Just as there was no “first human” within the progress of natural evolution, there should be no “last human”. Unless, we get caught in a sixth great extinction event. Then that would not necessarily hold true. If we were to prove to be the cause of that extinction event, I’d have to say:
There’s Justice in the Universe.

Thursday, October 12, 2017

The Cosmic Web: Galactic Communities and Voids

In the December 2016 issue of Discover magazine is an article entitled “Why Nothing Really Matters”— Gaping cosmic voids might hold the answers to dark matter, dark energy and the very foundations of the universe:

“Between here and the moon, about a quarter-million miles away, there’s virtually nothing — just stray hydrogen, helium and the odd dust particle. On far grander scales, this barrenness becomes unimaginably vast. A desolate, virtually starless, 2.5 million light-year gulf — that’s nearly 15 quintillion miles — separates our home galaxy, the Milky Way, from its nearest sizable neighbor, the Andromeda Galaxy.”

“Yet compared to cosmic scales, the Milky Way and Andromeda are right next door. Like neighbors awkwardly catching glances of each other through the windows, we can see Andromeda with the naked eye as a glowing smudge. The vast majority of the universe’s galaxies similarly huddle together. They gather into the equivalent of neighborhoods, cities and interconnected megalopolises known in astro-jargon as groups, clusters and filaments. Here in our Local Group, for instance, some 50-odd galaxies nestle within a dumbbell-shaped space 10 million light-years long.”

“In contrast to such typically close-knit galactic communities, enormous zones called voids are the ‘boonies’. For example, only several dozen small galaxies dot the Boötes Void, a spherical, bucolic region that spans a whopping 250 million light-years. (A more urban part of space might pack 10,000 galaxies into such a volume.) Void galaxies are the loneliest galaxies...”

“Cosmic voids, not galactic metropolises, are actually the cosmic norm. Voids occupy most of the universe....”

“The cosmos is akin to Swiss cheese or foam, with galaxies clumping by the hundreds of thousands around colossal cavities.”

“The Cosmic Web, to use the preferred nomenclature, emerged from fluctuations in the primordial cosmos that arose 13.8 billion years ago in the Big Bang. Dark matter — the mysterious, invisible substance reckoned to comprise 80 percent of the universe’s matter — clumped here and there, gravitationally drawing regular matter toward it. As the universe expanded and matured, these overdense regions of matter gelled into galaxy clusters, leaving underdense voids to grow emptier.”

“Then the Sloan Digital Sky Survey, the biggest redshift survey to date, bagged thousands upon thousands of voids...
Looking at them as a whole, we're gleaning that they're typically oval-shaped and span 50 million to 150 million light-years in the modern, nearby universe. A few billion years ago, though, voids tended to be smaller. That suggests they're growing, joining together in places, squeezing and concentrating dark and luminous matter between them. Voids evolve in a hierarchical way. They build up into bigger soap suds, like in your kitchen sink, where you see the suds merging into larger bubbles."

“As voids grow, they become ever emptier. Such underdense areas have lower gravitational attraction than the surrounding overdense, galaxy-laced regions, and mass keeps on attracting mass. As the universe expands, voids have, in effect, acted repulsively, losing matter toward their more massive, galaxy-lined edges...”

Note: There is much that I’ve edited out and there’s yet more after where I left off. You can read the article by clicking on the following link:


Note: To what degree do you suppose the Cosmic Web is cosmologically related to Cosmic Law and Akasha?

More articles by Adam Hadhazy:

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Carl Sagan: The Demon Haunted World- Science as a Candle in the Dark....

......is a 1995 book by astrophysicist Carl Sagan, in which Sagan aims to explain the scientific method to laypeople, and to encourage people to learn critical and skeptical thinking. He explains methods to help distinguish between ideas that are considered valid science and those that can be considered pseudoscience. Sagan states that when new ideas are offered for consideration, they should be tested by means of skeptical thinking and should stand up to rigorous questioning.

Carl Sagan - The Demon Haunted World / Science As A Candle In The Dark
(FULL) Audiobook 
3 hours 54 minutes

Carl Sagan: Knowledge Is Preferable To Ignorance

“...the significance of our lives and our fragile planet is then determined only by our own wisdom and courage. We are the custodians of life's meaning. We long for a Parent to care for us, to forgive us our errors, to save us from our childish mistakes. But knowledge is preferable to ignorance. Better by far to embrace the hard truth than a reassuring fable. If we crave some cosmic purpose, then let us find ourselves a worthy goal.”
Quote from Carl Sagan’s “Pale Blue Dot: A Vision Of the Human Future in Space”

"Pale Blue Dot”- Episode 1: "Wanderers"
40 minutes (good quality video)

Cosmos (1980) Epidode 1

Cosmos: Episodes 1-12

Cosmos Special Edition-
A special 6-part version of Carl Sagan's Cosmos series that aired in 1986. It featured material from the original 1980 series, plus newly shot material and a new dedicated soundtrack. 
Each episode is 44 minutes.
Episode One:
Episode Two:
Episode Three:
Episode Four:
Episode Five:
Episode Six:

Monday, October 9, 2017

Greenhouse Effect: Thermal Barrier

There is a misconception that those people who don’t accept the greenhouse effect as being “the trapping of the sun's warmth in a planet's lower atmosphere due to the greater transparency of the atmosphere to visible radiation from the sun than to infrared radiation emitted from the planet's surface” simply don’t understand the physics. Though some people honestly don’t understand the science explaining why carbon dioxide acts as a thermal barrier, many others do — and blindly persist in denying global warming, despite the fact that CO2 levels are undeniably increasing. Why? Because they’re scared witless. Indeed, one would have to be a fool not to be frightened of mankind’s uncertain future because of the ongoing amplification of the greenhouse effect by our burning of fossil fuels.

To understand the greenhouse effect, global warming and climate change, read:

Saturday, October 7, 2017

"Greenhouse Effect: Giver and Taker of Life"

Without the presence of carbon dioxide, methane, water vapor, ozone and other gases in the atmosphere, our planet would be perpetually and completely frozen over. The greenhouse effect sustains life. Indeed, in Earth's early geologic past when the sun's output was much fainter, temperatures were much higher due to much higher levels of methane. Nowadays, the sun is much brighter while greenhouse gases are fortunately much lower. Unfortunately however, mankind is disrupting this balance by artificially unsequestering large amounts of carbon. This is causing temperatures to rise and to release ever increasing amounts of methane via melting permafrost and methane hydrate degasification. The ocean's ability to absorb excess carbon dioxide is decreasing and ocean acidification is increasing. The greenhouse effect, instead of being a giver of life, will increasingly become a taker.

Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Las Vegas Massacre; Oct. 1st 2017

I’ve so successfully separated myself from sensationalism in the news and clickbait news items since Trump was sworn in that I didn’t know about the real news of Sunday night’s Las Vegas massacre until I got to my coffee shop on Tuesday and read the newspaper. As I walked across the parking lot, I’d noticed the flags flying at half mast and wondered if an ex-President or such had passed away. Little did I realize that a ‘gun nut’ had laid waste upon a crowd of innocent victims.

The particulars of this tragedy are still unfolding; but, as I reflect upon the overall situation, I can’t help but wonder if the notoriety of this event will flash in the brain pan of some other ‘crazy’ as a infamous way to make their mark in this world. Though Nevada’s lax gun control laws played a part, surely the fiery national rhetoric helped fuel the shooter’s delusions of grandeur. 

I post this because I myself have had to isolate myself from the media’s sensationalistic pumping up of every thing from Trump’s inane tweets to fake news of sharks swimming on Houston freeways (mental masturbation) in order to better preserve my peace of mind. 

Note: When I do click on something, I like to make sure I’m not supporting nonsense.



Monday, October 2, 2017

Global Climate Change: To The Degree...

....that we allow greenhouse gas emissions to continue, our progeny will suffer increasing levels of global warming induced climate change. This is the consequence of our interfering with the natural carbon cycle by artificially reintroducing into play large amounts of previously sequestered carbon. 

At first, the ocean was able to safely absorb most of it; but, ocean acidification has become problematic. And since the 1970s, frozen tundra is thawing and releasing increasing amounts of methane. And now, noticeable amounts of oceanic methane are beginning to be released (clathrate degasification).

These are the main factors that will continue to mount. Their interplay will determine the eventual outcomes, some of which are now unavoidable. For example, current levels of greenhouse gases already guarantee the inundation of all coastal regions in the world. When you see a picture of a beach, know that it will be gone before century's end. And that's just for starters. I won't go further than that here, because my point is that this is by choice.

'Freedom of choice' allows that we can choose to do what is necessary to influence our future. We can, also, choose not to. However, we cannot avoid the consequences of our actions and inactions. Choosing not to choose is still a choice. Unfortunately for us, indecisiveness is a character flaw (perhaps a fatal one).
