Monday, May 8, 2017

How Did The Story Of Satan Originate?

"Any Sunday school student can tell you that Satan is a fallen angel, but this fall actually isn't described in the New Testament or the Christian bible.
However, Satan suddenly appears in the gospels as the tempter of Jesus, with nary an introduction of how the evil presence got there. So, Christian theologians have come to this conclusion: If God created the universe, and everything God creates is good, then Satan must have been something good that went bad, Walls said.
"The only thing that can go bad by itself is a free being. Since there was evil before human beings came on the scene, the inference is [Satan] must have been a fallen angel."
"There are other references to Satan in the Bible, depending on different interpretations. The Hebrew Bible has two passages about people who aren't respectful toward God. In these passages, Isaiah 14 and Ezekiel 28, human rulers make outrageous boasts, and some Christians interpret these actions as expressions of Satan"
"Moreover, the gospel of Paul in the New Testament refers to the snake from the Garden of Eden as Satan, though the snake isn't described that way in Genesis. In this sense, the snake and Satan can be seen as tempters that try to get people to disobey God, but aren't always successful....".

Note: The original Hebrew term satan is a noun from a verb meaning primarily "to obstruct, oppose". Ha-Satan is traditionally translated as "the accuser" or "the adversary". The definite article ha- (English: "the") is used to show that this is a title bestowed on a being, versus the name of a being. Thus, this being would be referred to as "the satan".
Read about Judaism's Hebrew use of 'satan'.

...."The final construct of Satan as the evil opponent of a good and loving God comes from the book of Revelation. According to traditional Christian theology Revelation is the story of the final battle in the spiritual war for the human soul when Satan is defeated and cast into hell. Modern scholarship however considers this book to be a writing intended for a Christian audience of the time, and not a prophetic warning of the world’s end."