Saturday, November 12, 2016

My Letter Of Concession To Supporters of Trump

On Nov. 9th, the following is what I emailed to friends and family who supported Donald Trump:

"Congratulations are in order for those who supported Trump with their votes.

For myself however, at this moment, my only consolation is that for the next four years and after, when things do go well, I can be pleasantly surprised.

A word of caution though: 
To the degree our enemies are happy with our choices, to that degree we need to be very cautious and wise.

The generations that fought the two world wars and lived through the Great Depression are now gone. Gone are those who remember most of the genocides.  
Gone, too, are many of the lessons that they learned / and remain only in the minds of us who remain that can remember what they told us as we sat at their feet as children and grandchildren. Some of the rest is in the history books.

We do indeed live in interesting times."

Note: Previous to this posting, I've posted twice since the election using Trump's name, and each  time my blog was instantly assailed by hundreds of bot hits from Russia.