Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Corruption and Degrees of Kleptocracy

Kleptocracy is a form of government where a country is ruled by thieves and thugs. To the degree that corruptness rules, then to that degree a government is a kleptocracy regardless of the style of government. A democratic republic, a communist government, an autocracy or theocracy are all kleptocracies to the degree of their corruptness. And thus, to the degree that the rule of the law is subjugated to human greed, then to that degree law and justice fails its peoples' human rights.

The only known antidote to kleptocracy is a free press with integrity and high journalistic standards. Pravda and the National Enquirer are just two examples of yellow tabloid journalism that foster untruths that mislead and distort.

It is true that power corrupts. And all governments are corrupt to varying degrees.

"In philosophical, theological, or moral discussions, corruption is the abuse of bestowed power or position to acquire a personal benefit. Corruption may include many activities including bribery and embezzlement. Government, or 'political', corruption occurs when an office-holder or other governmental employee acts in an official capacity for personal gain."

Another way to look at it is to see it as a form dysfunctionality. The more corrupt a social system is, the more dysfunctional it is. Accepting things the way they are does not change them for the better.

Note: This includes dysfunctionality in families, classrooms, clubs, etcetera.

International Levels of Corruption


Power Can Corrupt Even the Honest