Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Perry: Smarter Than A 5th Grader?

'Politifact' had to correct presidential wannabe Perry's naysayer statement that scientists are questioning the idea that "man-made global warming" is what's causing climate change.

The truth is that even the scientists to whom Perry is generally referring to "do not claim that humans are making no contribution at all to rising temperatures. Rather, they tend to make more nuanced points. They question whether carbon emissions alone are driving up temperatures, or whether other human activities contribute as well. They question whether extreme weather events such as storms or floods can be conclusively linked to rising temperatures. And, they question whether significant changes to public policy are necessary as a means of coping with rising temperatures".

[I do note, however, a shift in the naysayers' attitude as of late as reflected in Perry's statement. It is that they now acknowledge that our global climate is changing. Good - because any one who gardens or raises crops is well aware of that fact. Even corporate agribiz interests that will fund the GOP's final choice of presidential nominees know that.]

For those who fail 5th grade level TAKS earth science questions, then there's the effect of not recognizing causes:
August 23, 2011 Non Sequitur

Non Sequitur

For those who take the Bible too literally -- think about the extreme past climate change event:
August 22, 2011 Mother Goose & Grimm

And for those who take King Perry's by-line too seriously:
August 23, 2011 Hagar the Horrible