Thursday, August 25, 2011


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"There's Justice In The Universe"
"Researchers scanned the brains of nine healthy, normal-weight  subjects in the minutes after each got an infusion of equal volumes of glucose, of fructose and of saline. The brain scans aimed to capture activity in a relatively small swath of the human brain in and around the hypothalamus... found that "cortical control areas"--broad swaths of gray matter that surrounded the hypothalamus -- responded quite differently to the infusion of fructose than they did to glucose. Across the limited regions of the brain they scanned, saw that glucose significantly raised the level of neural activity for about 20 minutes following the infusion. Fructose had the opposite effect, causing activity in the same areas to drop and stay low for 20 minutes after the infusion. Saline--the control condition in this trial--had no effect either way."

[While fructose (fruit sugar) is beneficial when in balance with glucose, "high fructose" corn syrup used to sweeten most processed foods and sodas is 'not' a part of nature's natural food balance. "It's not nice to fool Mother Nature." Expect problems when you do.],0,4723004.story


High fructose corn syrup:
The lowlands of present day Finland are reminiscent of Doggerland -- before it was finally submerged by rising sea levels about 8000 years ago. [Note: This is within the same time frame that the lands of the legendary Garden of Eden (at the head of the Persian Gulf) were submerged & the fabled 'Noah's Flood' aka 'Black Sea Deluge' occurred].

"Doggerland is a name given by archaeologists and geologists to a former landmass in the southern North Sea that connected the island of Great Britain to mainland Europe during and after the last Ice Age."  In another couple hundred years, coastal regions around the world will be in a conditionsimilar to Doggerland and the Finnish lowlands.  One only has to look at currently exposed coral reefs sitting well above sea level and inland in Florida from the last interglacial period to know that.  The variable in the time line is the level of increased greenhouse gases which are accelerating and amplifying the natural process of global warming.  The only real 'unanswered question' is whether or not 'methane hydrate gasification' will become a self-sustaining cycle.

Music to listen to while you research the above:
"Kun Mun Kultani Tulisi"
One of my best friends is slowly and irrevocably dying of a disease that not even medical sojourns to the Mayo Clinic can provide answers for -- especially as to the cause of.  Indeed, it is so rare that when I was with him at a local specialist's office (after he'd returned from the Mayo Clinic), the doctor hadn't ever heard of it.  [From my reading on the subject of 'epigenetics', however, I'd say it's most probably related to 'environmental triggers' in the form of chemicals prevalent in everything we eat, drink and breath.  My friend led the epitome of what's referred to as a "clean life". So, where does that leave the rest of us and our descendants?]


Take Action:
The pollen from Mountain Cedar trees cause a severe allergic inflammation of the nasal airways for some people in the winter. 
It occurs when the pollen allergen is inhaled by an individual with a sensitized immune system, and triggers antibody production.
Cedar Fever:

Mountain cedar can release such large amounts of pollen that the trees can appear to be on fire, with large clouds of “smoke” rising from the trees.

It is postulated that allergies are the result of immune disorders. While the cause of these disorders is not discovered in most patients, clinical experience suggests perhaps a dietary root cause, led by chronic tissue inflammation. Significant clinical evidence to suggest that diets high in carbohydrate, high in omega-6 fatty acids and high in gluten contribute directly to autoimmune disorders.

There is a growing movement supporting 'paleolithic diets' to address dietary based immune disorders and autoimmune disorders.  Positive experiences are common with low carbohydrate (lowering or eliminating dietary starch and sugars, especially sucrose, fructose and lactose), zero gluten diets.

Though different pills and teas work somewhat for different people, I am using Brigham Tea (pill form) / and an inexpensive liquid called "Kidcold with Juniper".  $10 for a one ounce bottle that lasts a very long time... no side effects...  just five drops in water 3 times a day during peak allergen days.
OR Call 1-866-942-6848

Google 'cedar fever treatment'.
Many of us remember the song, "Those Were The Days", from the 60s sung by Mary Hopkins:

Not everyone realizes it is originally a Russian song ("Dorogoi dlinnoyu" "By the long road"), written by Boris Fomin (1900–1948) with words by the poet Konstantin Podrevskii. It deals with reminiscence upon youth and romantic idealism. The Georgian Tamara Tsereteli (1900–1968) in 1925 and Alexander Vertinsky in 1926 made what were probably the earliest recordings of the song.
Song in Russian:
Have bored kids on your hands during the cold weather before receiving their new gadgets on Xmas?

Mnemonic devices:


Example of use with geologic periods (use above link)-
Need a music "pick-me-up"?  Listen to the You Tube videos below of a popular Finnish song with lyrics written in the early 1930s to a traditional Finnish polka tune. 

"The melody can be traced back to the Viipuri Province in the 18th century when the border with the Kingdom of Sweden ran west of the province. The number of Russian soldiers stationed in the border area outnumbered the locals for many decades. At the beginning of the 19th century collectors of Finnish folk dances and folk songs all mention that the dances in the area of Luumäki-Savitaipale were Russian dances only and didn't write them down. Locals who are well-versed in folk music agree the melody is very old and likely to have been known back in the early 19th century and therefore probably of even older origin. However, the polka genre is of much later date. Polka was introduced in northern Europe during the late 19th century, which implies that the actual tune as it is known today originates from this era."

Loituma - Ieva's polka

Loituma - "Ievan Polkka" (Eva's Polka)

Nuapurista kuulu se polokan tahti
jalakani pohjii kutkutti.
Ievan äiti se tyttöösä vahti
vaan kyllähän Ieva sen jutkutti,
sillä ei meitä silloin kiellot haittaa
kun myö tanssimme laiasta laitaan.
Salivili hipput tupput tapput
äppyt tipput hilijalleen.

Ievan suu oli vehnäsellä
ko immeiset onnee toevotti.
Peä oli märkänä jokaisella
ja viulu se vonku ja voevotti.
Ei tätä poikoo märkyys haittaa
sillon ko laskoo laiasta laitaan.
Salivili hipput tupput tapput
äppyt tipput hilijalleen.

Ievan äiti se kammarissa
virsiä veisata huijjuutti,
kun tämä poika naapurissa
ämmän tyttöä nuijjuutti.
Eikä tätä poikoo ämmät haittaa
sillon ko laskoo laiasta laitaan.
Salivili hipput tupput tapput
äppyt tipput hilijalleen.
"...the words written in books narrate the history of humanity... they tell a story, not just through the sentences they form, but in how often they occur. Uncovering those tales isn’t easy – you’d need to convert books into a digital format so that their text can be analyzed and compared. And you’d need to do that for millions of books. And fortunately, that’s exactly what Google have been doing since 2004..."


"Books are not representative of culture as a whole, even if our corpus contained 100% of all books ever published. Only certain types of people write books and get them published, and that subclass has changed over time, with the advent of things like public literacy.” Eventually, they’ll have to digitize newspapers, manuscripts, maps, artwork, and a myriad of other human creations” to get a better picture.

Rarely does an editorial cartoon hit the mark so well as:

"Little Big Man"

I'd began my AAS blogging with two entries about North Korea:
10-09-2006 -- North Korea: China’s Psychotic Stepchild

10-15-2006 -- China: N. Korea’s Enabler
Recombinant Bovine Growth Hormone is a genetically engineered copy of a naturally occurring hormone produced by cows. Manufactured by Monsanto Company, the drug is sold to dairy farmers under the name POSILAC, though you'll also find it called BGH, rBGH, BST and rBST. When rBGH gets injected into dairy cows, milk production increases by as much as 10-15%. The use of rBGH on dairy cows was approved by the Food and Drug Administration. So far the controversy has centered on human health problems. But what about the cows? rBGH is like "crack" for cows. It "revs" their system and forces them to produce a lot more milk - and it also makes them sick. Even the FDA admits that cows injected with rBGH could suffer from increased udder infections (mastitis), severe reproductive problems, digestive disorders, foot and leg ailments, and persistent sores and lacerations .....mortality rates for rBGH-injected cows on some factory dairy farms in Wisconsin were about 40 percent per year ... after two and a half years of rBGH injections most of these drugged and supercharged cows were dead. [The typical lifespan of a happy, healthy dairy cow (read: organically-raised) is 15 to 20 years.]

Genetically Engineered Recombinant Bovine Growth Hormone (rBGH)

Take Action:

An even bigger item shows that deliberately falsifying the news is not against the law:
Murdoch vs."FOX News Whistle Blowers"
At least watch the first ninety seconds and last niney seconds....