Thursday, August 25, 2011


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"There's Justice In The Universe"
Austin Memorial Burial & Information Society (AMBIS) covers the entire Central Texas area and is affiliated with the Funeral Consumers Alliance, a national federation (umbrella organization) of more than 90 similar societies in the United States. It is a non-profit, volunteer-run organization of area residents dedicated to helping our neighbors of different belief systems make funeral and memorial arrangements that are dignified, meaningful and affordable (and help procure cost comparisons). The organization can help you with other death related subjects such as wills and medical power of attorney, etcetera. Other information relating to concrete casket liners and other subjects you may not have considered will come to light (e.g., if you want cremation, you'd better personally make the arrangement by signing a certificate, otherwise it only takes one relative the nix it / and then you're food for the worms, bugs, bacteria. All bodies decompose no matter how you bury them. And if you're worried about your corpse being in 'good shape' for the Second Coming, I suggest you worry more about your soul than your 'abandoned shell' of a body).

Volunteers can come with you to funeral home to help you make choices that are in your best interests. Mortuaries will work to give you a 'better shake' if they're dealing with at least one AMBIS member. Though it's best that you make decisions prior to your death, this organization will help, regardless.  Just a one-time $25 lifetime membership fee is required / and an annual newsletter provided.

Individual Membership:

Funeral Consumers Alliance:
Phone: 512-480-0555

The above websites are easy to navigate.  Take the time to think about what you want done prior to your death and afterwards (wills, etcetera, etcetera). Familiarize yourself with Texas law / it's not what you'd necessarily think.

Are animals better than people? Perhaps. We all seem to agree with the Humane Society's guidelines regarding spaying for our dogs and cats -- and, thus overall, show them somewhat more respect and consideration than we do ourselves. Example: As when elements of our society condemn "all" forms of contraception (intentional prevention of conception or impregnation) -- while simultaneously condemning "all" abortions.

No-Birth is the first step to No-Kill

On the lighter side:
Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea.

Dangers of dogs eating cat food:
and click forward day by day until you get to:

When a person takes good care of a dog and provides it with good food and a warm, dry place to sleep, the dog thinks, "People must be gods."
When a person takes good care of a cat and provides it with good food and a warm, dry place to sleep, the cat thinks, "I must be a god."
About 74,000 years ago, the supervolcano Toba (in Indonesia)
blew and pumped so much debris into the atmosphere
that the Earth was suddenly thrown into an Ice Age such that
humans very narrowly escaped extinction.

Seemingly, the survivors passed along the increased propensity to
propagate at all costs (judging from humanity’s
“primitive need” to overpopulate the planet regardless
of the consequences).

To wit: It’s one thing to advocate for the full legal
protection of embryos and fetuses; but, it’s quite
another when you advocate for not allowing the use of
contraceptives (family planning).  At first blush,
this is the result of church doctrines that limit
sexual intercourse to procreation; but, when you probe
deeper, one realizes that it is the result of the
desire to survive.  If the group that you identify
with does not multiply fruitfully and yet competing groups
do, then “you” stand to become “no more”.  Wars
against competing groups and against nature are often
first won in the bedroom.  In primitive circumstances
where mortality rates are high, contraception is
probably not required; but, where lower mortality
rates prevail, then contraception is necessarily a
good thing [and those who primitively claim to be
pro-life while being against contraception are
actually anti-life].
As we go through the hurly burly of life, it helps to occasionally take a step back and refresh ourselves.  For example, consider that as you read this, you’re traveling at about 800 mph as the Earth spins eastward [Note: Those living on the equator travel faster than those living in the polar regions.]  Add 67,000 mph for our orbiting the sun and 518,000 mph as the sun orbits the Milky Way’s galactic center.  If you then tack on another 280,000 mph for our encroachment upon Andromeda, you’re off to a good start.

Perhaps some mind expanding realizations such as this is something that fanatics of all cults and creeds would do well to contemplate.  Enlightenment begins with basic truths that stretch into infinity.
I suppose imitation is a form of flattery; but, somehow Austin-American Statesman's Ken Herman's 'appropriating' my blog name (As I See It) doesn't strike me that way. I find it to be in very poor form and not worthy of's online venture.  Therefore, if the AAS settings will allow it, I'm changing my blog to "As I See It Now" and hope that he doesn't covet it.
There are various forms of Parkinson's disease (especially in the elderly).  Therefore, it behooves us of all ages to pay heed to the following, especially since other various gluten induced minor ailments are also observable and are related to possible effects of 'H. pylori' bacteria (common intestinal bacteria). Diets with 'glutens' encourage growth of 'H. pylori' that causes intestinal inflammation... [Note blog on inflammation]....

'Helicobacter pylori', may contribute to Parkinson’s disease. Mice infected with H. pylori have shown Parkinson’s-like symptoms, building on earlier work that has suggested a link between the bacteria and Parkonson’s disease.  Also, scientists have long suspected a link between H. pylori and Parkinson’s disease as earlier studies have shown that Parkinson’s patients are "more" likely than average to be infected with H. pylori...

Ulcer-Causing Bacteria May Play a Role in Parkinson’s:

Best Diet For H. Pylori:

Gluten-free Diet:
My grandparents' generation grew up hand rolling their own cigarettes with unadulterated tobacco. These were perhaps not as "good tasting"?? -- but this, and the fact that they rolled their own, pretty much prevented 'chain smoking'. Then the tobacco industry started adding sugar, chocolate and other additives to the tobacco to make it taste better (and become more quickly addictive).  Improvements in mechanized cigarette rolling made pre-rolled cigarettes less expensive. Then WWII and mass marketing (with doctors speaking in favor) put the final 'nail in the coffin'. America's favorite addiction was now firmly in place.

NOTE: One addiction creates a mind set that can allow others to also creep in when the first addiction no longer 'fills the bill'.

Smoke Smoke Smoke that Cigarette:
An old Grandfather said to his grandson, who came to him with anger at a friend who had done him an injustice, "Let me tell you a story. I too, at times, have felt a great hate for those that have taken so much, with no sorrow for what they do. But hate wears you down, and does not hurt your enemy. It is like taking poison and wishing your enemy would die.

"I have struggled with these feelings many times," he continued. "It is as if there are two wolves inside me. One is good and does no harm. He lives in harmony with all around him, and does not take offense when no offense was intended. He will only fight when it is right to do so, and in the right way.

"But the other wolf, ah! He is full of anger. The littlest thing will set him into a fit of temper. He fights everyone, all the time, for no reason. He cannot think because his anger and hate are so great. It is helpless anger, for his anger will change nothing.

"Sometimes, it is hard to live with these two wolves inside me, for both of them try to dominate my spirit."

The boy looked intently into his Grandfather's eyes and asked, "Which one wins, Grandfather?"

The Grandfather smiled and quietly said, "The one I feed."

[Note: You are responsible for your thoughts and actions as well as your emotions.  Choose wisely.]
I've decided to simply post this single link,
instead of a series of blogs entitled:
Gerrymandering: Age Old Tradition
Pro-life Movement VS Contraception
Crowded Schools And Illegal Immigration
Crowded Planet And Religious Fundamentalists
2012: Year Of Change.

Why? Because the TAKE Action links I include are rarely used.
Without some degree of action (movement),
then the blogs themselves are largely futile efforts.

As the human race evolves and we move towards a more 'humane planet',
perhaps taking thoughtful action will become more the norm.
"Male humpback whales are avid singers, and some of their tunes turn into undersea hits.  Scientists have discovered that the giant baleens have a complex musical culture, developing popular songs that rapidly spread from pod to pod across the ocean... the latest hit is usually a variation on a classic, like splicing an old Beatles song with U2.  Other times, though, the whales arrange their high-pitched cries, moans, groans and growls into an original refrain... researchers found that new songs tended to originate with the Australian whale group.  Then the tunes traveled east... reaching 4,000 miles away within two years.  The males' quest for song novelty is driven by the hope of being more attractive to the opposite sex."

The Week; May 6, 2011
based on:

Example of Whale Songs: