Thursday, August 25, 2011


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"There's Justice In The Universe"

Less than one year ago, five mountain
gorillas were murdered.  Even though
this highlighted the widespread tragedies
inflected by the bush meat trade, much
remains to be done for 'simian' wildlife. 
Now, with the death of two adult female
gorillas between February and May 2008,
conservationists are worried that the
Shigella bacteria could severely cripple
the viability of the fragile gorilla population.

Read more:
As people choose to develop farm land
for economic and industrial development,
50 million acres of farm land vanish
each year in the world.  Population
growth requires greater food production
while it simultaneously reduces the
land available for such - thus forcing
farmers onto marginal quality lands
(which would really be more suitable
for the urban and industrial growth 
in the first place), thus reducing
our ability to produce food.

Countries like Saudi Arabia and
S. Korea are now obtaining land for
farming in countries like Thailand
and S. Africa.  The countries with
the most money and population growth
are buying their way out of trouble. 
Meanwhile, subsistence farmers are
crowding out wildlife in areas that
are barely suitable for farming. 

Apocalypse in slow motion.
When shopping at,
consider first going to the

PopulationInstitute.Org website
first and clicking on the heading,
"Help by Shopping @ Amazon". 
The Population Institute is an
international, educational
nonprofit organization that
seeks to reduce rapid population
growth and achieve a world
population in balance with a
healthy global environment.
They, of course, also accept
direct donations.

"It took all of human history
until 1830 for world population
to reach one billion. The second
billion was achieved in 100 years,
the third billion in 30 years,
the fourth billion in 15 years,
and the fifth billion in only
12 years. In 2005, world population
exceed 6.5 billion people, growing
by nearly 80 million per year with
virtually all of the growth taking
place in the poorest countries in
the world, where population already
strains economies, environments and
social services.

Rapid population growth causes or
exacerbates poverty, hunger,
environmental degradation, economic
stagnation, resource depletion,
disease and illiteracy – a surefire
formula for global insecurity."
The most numerous topic on
is in regards to Obama.  Even though
I'm no supporter of Obama, the false
information being spread about him
concerns me.  Note: I myself previously
blogged about his not putting his hand
over his heart, etcetera at the event
in Iowa (play the video contained in):

[Note: The stuff spread about McCain is also pretty weak --
although there's not as much of it.]

Obama's early cosponsoring of corporate
'liquid coal' legislation was what
really disgusted me. The only candidate
worse than him on environmental issues
is McCain.  For President, I would have preferred
Fred Thompson... but I guess I'll vote for Nader. 
For the other offices, I'll spread my vote around
to those who are the least objectionable. 
I'll also continue to support organizations
that I believe in.

Last week Virginia Senator John Warner
asked Energy Secretary Samuel Bodman
to determine what speed limit would
be the most fuel efficient. Warner
raised the possibility of Congress
passing a national speed limit to
save gas and help deal with rising
fuel costs. The previous national
speed limit was set at 55 mph in
1974 and repealed in 1995. In addition
to saving gas, Warner said that the
lower speed limit resulted in thousands
of fewer deaths each year. Warner would
like the DOE to determine if a lower
speed limit would also result in
lower gas prices.

Do you support a national speed limit?

Always stressing that the Buddha's
own words should be thrown out if
they are shown by scientific inquiry
to be flawed, the Dalai Lama is the
rare religious figure who tells
people not to get needlessly
confused or distracted by religion
("Even without a religion, we can
become a good human being").
No believer in absolute truth—
he eagerly seeks out Catholics,
neuroscientists, even regular
travelers to Tibet who can instruct
him—he is also the rare Tibetan
who will suggest that old Tibet
may have contributed in part to
its current predicament, the
rare Buddhist to tell foreigners
not to take up Buddhism but to
study within their own traditions,
where their roots are deepest.

My Comment: Keeping in mind that
Love equates with Truth, one can
understand why the Dalai Lama
is a 'truly' religious leader.,8599,1723922,00.html
My family has been directly and
indirectly impacted by the illegal
immigration problem.  We used to
live on a ranch in South Texas
until the break-ins and assaults
by illegals increased to the point
that we had to sell out and leave. 
I had taught in public schools in
the region that were overburdened
by increasing numbers of children
of illegals (though they would
often disappear when the family
'migrated' north).  I now live
'al norte' and I see many
businesses employing illegals
while schools are educating
their children.  School programs
are slowly being curtailed in
order to make up the financial
difference.  I don't much blame
the illegals for coming, but I
do blame the greedy gringo
for profiteering.
Population growth is decimating
the gains that the United States
has made in energy conservation
and environmental protection.
Traffic density,  overcrowding
in public schools, hospitals and
social services, water shortages,
etcetera are reflections of the
United States now having a
population of more than 300 million
people (a number that is projected
to jump by another 100+ million
in 30 years).  If nothing is done
to halt this increase, the U.S.
will face a population of 600
million people by the end of
this century.  More than 80% of
population growth, nationally,
will continue to be a direct
result of immigration and immigrant
births. And the USA is only an
example of these population growth
trends.  Immigration from poorer
countries to richer countries is
going on all over the world & it's
an "age old problem" / as old as
life itself.  If we want to avoid
the worst effects of eventual
'population crashes', we need
to take some civilized measures

Consider joining NumbersUSA. 
This organization is concerned
with more than just 'illegal
immigration'. Urban sprawl &
disappearing farm land and
natural resources are part
of the picture.

Under the guise of implementing a bill on dropout prevention, Texas Commissioner of Education Robert Scott is claiming that he now has the power to dole out state funding to private schools. Stop this back-door private-school voucher attempt, which was not authorized by the legislature.
Sign petiton:

"Drilling will not lower gas prices
today or solve our energy crisis.

    * Even the U.S. Energy Information
Administration has said that massive
exploitation of new oil deposits will
not produce oil for nearly a decade --
and then will not lower gasoline prices
by more than a few cents per gallon.
The oil industry already has access
to nearly 45 million acres of our
public lands, and is only drilling
on less than a third of those.
    * Under the Bush Administration,
drilling permits have risen from
3,802 to 7,561 between 2002 and 2007.
Eight years of increased oil leasing
and production on America’s public
lands has left us with nothing but
high gas prices for consumers and
record profits for Big Oil companies.
    * More drilling would not affect
world oil prices. The US has less
than 3% of the world's oil reserves,
yet we consume almost 25% of the
world's oil.

We need real solutions that will end
our dependence on oil once and for all.

    * It’s time to take back the
giveaways to Big Oil and secure our
energy independence by investing that
money in clean, renewable energy,
energy efficiency, increased public transportation
and the technologies needed to get our cars
going further on a gallon of gas.
    * A bold national commitment to
renewable energy will put our economy
back on the right path by bringing
energy costs under control, creating
over 820,000 new jobs, and making us
more energy independent.
    * Congress should stop giving tax
breaks to Big Oil and start funding
constructive alternatives that can make
a difference in people’s lives."

My Comment: I think the oil companies
should drill on their current leases
and let us save what's left for the
future when we'll really be desperate. 
But our nation is so addicted to cheap
energy that most people have not
planned well enough for the future
and are feeling desperate already.
Simply put, the time for action was
in the 70s when we were given the
opportunity of a wake-up call. 
Opportunity has now turned into a
major challenge (which, if left
unanswered, will become a crisis). 
We need to desperately start pushing
for renewables and replacing cheap
coal power generation plants with
coal gasification plants (not coal liquification).