Thursday, August 25, 2011


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"There's Justice In The Universe"
Last month, as I sat in a diner in a small rural town north of Houston one morning (after having a great Spanish omelet), I sat back enjoying my 'bottomless' cup of coffee.  As I looked around, I observed that over half of the 15 diners were all smoking -- and all but one of the smokers were women.  Then I noticed that most of the female smokers were drinking ice tea from big styrofoam cups & using artificial sweeteners.  Those that were still eating were liberally using soft squeeze margarine on their white flour biscuits. Then I remembered hearing about the unusually high rate of cancer in this area.  Ahh! Cause & Effect!

Smoking and second hand smoke cause 87% of lung cancers in the US.  Unhealthy fatty diets with lots of refined foods, artificial ingredients, etcetera help mightily with the other kinds of cancers.
A number of strong illegal immigration reduction bills have been introduced in the Texas State House of Representatives this year.  Since House Speaker Joe Straus is responsible for assigning which committee will hear legislation, he has the power to promote a bill he likes by assigning it to a committee likely to pass it, or to kill a bill he dislikes by assigning it to an unfriendly committee.  Many fear that Speaker Straus plans to assign this year's crop of immigration enforcement bills to dead-end committees, just like Speaker Craddick did last year. It is rumored that Straus obtained his speakership in a deal with Democrats in which he promised to bottleneck enforcement bills. True or not, Texas cannot afford to wait to see how he disposes of good legislation. Cntact Speaker Straus by phone and/or email to ask for favorable placement of this year's bills.

Points to bring up with Speaker Straus' Office:
In the 2007 session, several important bills dealing with the problem of illegal immigration were all sent to Rep. David Swinford's committee, where they were killed and not allowed to come to a floor vote.

For the 2009 session, the important immigration bills filed by Rep. Leo Berman and Rep. Debbie Riddle, and others, should not be assigned to a hostile committee and left to rot.  Please ensure these bills are assigned to the appropriate committee."

Email contact:

Phone: 512-463-1000

Also note:
NOTE: We don't need to follow the NYC Mayor Bloomberg's lead who last week said we need more immigrants "to start new businesses and create products” at this juncture in time.
As population densities increase so do our nation's 'socialistic' tendencies.  Massachusetts used to be a Republican stronghold, but look at it now. Texas is about average for its population density in the USA -- but is rapidly increasing.  With this we're seeing a creep towards the ways of places with higher population densities. Example, the only people I know who are readily amenable to a state income tax are from states where they were used to such. The few people I know who might support increased gun control measures are city slickers from places where such is the general culture.  Most so-called socialistic measures I don't support, but some I do / like cameras that catch people who run stop lights & bans on smoking in public places.  Other socialistic measures I don't support are bank bailouts and other forms of corporate welfare.  Neither do I support 'earned income credits' and food stamps.  So, it's easy to see that I like neither stereotypical Republicans nor Democrats.  I voted for Ron Paul in the primaries and placed a write-in vote for Nader in the General Election.
January 26th is both the start of the Lunar New Year & the day of the 'annular solar eclipse' -- neither of which is quite the 'real deal'.  Appropriate for the first full work week in DC after the inauguration.
Lunar New Year:
Annular Eclipse:

Global Warming Humor:
Note: A common misconception is that increased snowfall in indicative of 'global cooling' -- when, in reality, increased global temperatures translate into a 'strengthened hydrological cycle' / increased evaporation and precipitation (snow is a form of precipitation).
"Earliest weapons-grade plutonium has been found in a U.S. dump in the 'dirtiest place' on Earth near the Columbia River in Hanford, Washington, where contractors are decontaminating a nuclear fuel processing site that has 177 underground tanks holding 53 million gallons of nuclear waste, some of which has already leaked into the soil and groundwater... a microgram sample of plutonium produced in 1942 is plutonium-239.  The sample discovered at Hanford is technically the second oldest sample of plutonium-239, but remains the earliest produced during the Manhattan Project and the first bulk batch anywhere.  An old glass jar inside a beaten up old safe at the bottom of a waste pit may seem an unlikely place to find a pivotal piece of 20th century history. But that's just where the first bulk batch of weapons-grade plutonium ever made has been found - abandoned at the world's oldest nuclear processing site."

[This doesn't exactly build one's confidence in governmental oversights.]
"By the Pentagon's own data, some 13,243 of the estimated 1.2 million children of active-duty military personnel have been diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder... the cause of autism, which strikes about 1 in 150 children nationwide, remains a mystery.  And for reasons that aren't clear, autism is diagnosed in military children at roughly double the rate it is in the civilian world, a striking '1 out of 88'."

[My Comment: Autism, like many disorders, is indirectly linked to genetic tendencies that are triggered by environmental pollutants.  Epigenetics indicates that a grandparent who'd been dosed early in their life can impact the genetic predisposition of the second generation to any variety of disabilities.  With the rate of autistic kids being double in the military, I suggest we look at both the military parents' exposure to substances (e.g., toxic substances and vaccinations from Desert Storm) and the grandparents' (e.g., Vietnam's Agent Orange) / note that many families have traditions of serving in the military.
I'd suffered for years from Cedar Fever until I discovered an inexpensive liquid called "Kidcold with Juniper".  $10 for a one ounce bottle that lasts a very long time... no side effects...  just five drops in water 3 times a day during peak allergen days.
OR Call 1-866-942-6848

No, I'm not involved in sales.  I tried adding it as a comment to the article in AAS, but it wouldn't accept it without a name and my e-mail (even though I was logged in).
In the general media, statements such as “Hispanics are the only group having more than enough children to replace themselves in the population” infer that our continued population growth is a good thing.  At the rate our numbers are increasing, we’ll add another 100 million in 37 years.  In a time of diminishing resources and overall declining quality of life in the USA, population growth is NOT an admirable goal --- only a soulless tycoon intent on suppressing wages by providing a bounteous labor supply or a 'chicken soup peddling' idealist would deem 100 million extra people as desirable. [Both stereotypical Republicans and Democrats qualify as heartless.]
Saving and creating jobs is an urgent national priority. But there is a right way to do this and a wrong way.
/> The right way is to invest in infrastructure and energy-efficiency projects that will offer a short-term economic boost and set us up for long-term growth with increased energy independence.
/> The wrong way is to throw money at "bridges to nowhere" projects that will set back our efforts to create long-term, environmentally sustainable growth or to use the stimulus as an excuse to weaken long-standing environmental protections.

We need to create jobs now by building the smarter, more efficient transportation and infrastructure system America will need in the 21st century.

Take Action:
        Data from the Department of Education shows a dramatic student population increase in U.S. schools.  It shows that 64% of the total student population increase is Hispanic.  It indicates that this Hispanic growth trend will strengthen. From my understanding, the population growth rate for U.S. citizens (all groups combined) is relatively stable.  Our overpopulation is primarily from immigrants (legal and illegal). 
NOTE: “A Nation In Full” @