Thursday, August 25, 2011


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"There's Justice In The Universe"
U.S. made cigarettes tend to contain three times the major cancer-causing chemicals (TSNAs / tobacco-specific nitrosamines) than foreign made cigarettes. The extra TSNAs in U.S.-made cigarettes are likely the result of different tobacco types, the curing process and fertilizers used to grow the tobacco -- all can influence the cigarettes' TSNA levels.
Note: In Australia, for instance, cigarettes contain just 20 percent of the nitrosamine content of U.S. cigarettes.

Remember, too, that the tobacco in cigarettes is typically not organic and therefore is loaded with toxic pesticides. More than 25 million pounds of pesticides are sprayed on tobacco crops in the United States each year, making tobacco the sixth highest out of all agricultural crops in terms of the amount of pesticides applied per acre.  The pesticides used in tobacco production have been linked to cancer, nervous system damage and birth defects, so when you volatilize these by lighting the cigarette, these chemicals can cause far more damage than the actual tobacco.  For this reason, if you are going to smoke it would be better to use organic cigarettes that are free from these toxic chemicals and pesticides.

Google: organic tobacco cigarettes cigars
"Some physicians refer to CCR as the new form of CPR.

"Critics of traditional CPR have stated that the emphasis on early ventilation is misguided. These airway interventions take time away from performing adequate chest compressions, and they also produce an increase in intrathoracic pressure, decreasing venous return and thus cardiac output -- not a good thing in a patient in cardiac arrest.

"CCR includes continuous chest compressions with no early ventilations. A recent study that compared CCR with standard CPR in patients demonstrated that both survival and percentage of survivors with good neurological outcome were significantly improved in those who underwent CCR."

Video (2:20):
Years ago, I noticed that significant earthquakes often clustered relatively close together in time (not necessarily regionwise).  They don't get much attention unless they hit in an area with enough population so that a significant number of deaths occur.  I presume that this phenomenon is related to tectonic pressure being released in one area helping trigger another release of seismic energy in another fault zone.

Tectonic Plates Movement

Latest Earthquakes in the World

January 12, 2010 Mag. 7.0 Haiti

February 26, 2010 Mag. 7.0 Japan
6.9 magnitude earthquake rattles Okinawa
Note more 5.0+ occuring now

February 27, 2010 Mag 8.8 Chile
Note other epicenters in surrounding region

February 28, 2010 Mag. 5.7 Afghanistan

World Time Zones
Ignorance can be actively cultivated through measures such as military secrets (which can be necessary) or blatantly overt bad science 'doubt campaigns'.  In the 1920s, lead was almost banned from paints and gasoline --- but the lead industry launched a campaign to 'soften' the scientific critiques.  This was followed by the tobacco industry's malevolent  'disinformation' campaign to "manufacture doubt" (as finally spelled out in a 1969 memo that specifically states "doubt is our product").  In 'bad science' disinformationistic propogandistic 'doubt campaigns', it becomes "common sense vs. common ignorance" and the losers are all of those who are impacted in a harmful way.

For example, many ardent global warming denialists repeatedly state that "climate change cannot be proven... we need more research".  Interestingly, this is the same tactic provided by the same people who had been hired by the tobacco industry's disinformation campaigns who are now working for Big Oil, King Coal and other related industries.  Anybody who has lived up north knows that the global climate change being experienced is real --- the Eskimoes knew it was real 50 years ago as they observed warmer weather plant species moving further and further north.  And anybody who has passed Physical Science knows that an increase of any greenhouse gas results in a blanketing effect whether it's in double pane windows or in the atmosphere of any planet receiving any solar radiation.  Only a change in the Earth's orbit or angle of orientation (Milankovitch cycles) would allow our overall global temperatures not to increase. 

What will happen? I don't know.  But, if China and India keep pumping out CO2 at increased levels and already industrialized nations don't begin to shift to renewable energy sources, then I wouldn't bet on a rosy outcome. 

Again, I repeat: "Common Sense vs. Common Ignorance".
'Sunni extremists' hate everyone who's not a Sunni Fundamentalist.  They exist in an Old Testament ancient cultural mindset that's 'pre-Ten Commandment'.  Pakistani Taliban launch terrorist attacks against Pakistani Shiites, India and anyone else who does not support their rigid mentality (code of honor: Pashtunwali; language: Pashto). 

Al Qaida provides them with technical instruction and propoganda support.  The 'opium trade' binds them them even closer.  And this in an overpopulated part of the world where there is little economic development to provide for the basics of daily life.  [Like all religious fundamentalists everywhere, birth control is actively discouraged by them (bolsters their numbers).]


"The region known unofficially as “Pashtunistan” straddles 1,000 miles of the 1,600-mile border between Afghanistan and Pakistan. There are some 12 million Pashtuns in Afghanistan and more than double that in Pakistan. The largest ethnic group in Afghanistan, Pashtuns are also the dominant component of both the Afghan and the Pakistani Taliban. The Pashtun region has its own code of honor, Pashtunwali, with a heavy emphasis on grievance and revenge, and its own language, Pashto. Islamic extremist groups are largely in control there, and have organized and formed alliances to launch terrorist attacks on Pakistani Shiites and to expand their fight into India. This largely lawless region also is fertile ground for smuggling and coordination between Afghan and Pakistani Taliban fighters, who flow back and forth in response to their own agendas. The Pashtuns “don’t recognize the border,” says analyst Shuja Nawaz. “They never have. They never will.”
Before a tsunami comes ashore (approach of gathering forces), water close to shore is drawn out to sea (diminished options) --- thus exposing the beach for a considerable distance (only stark truth remains). 

Perhaps you remember a Dec. 2004 news clip taken from the air showing a lone man deliberately walking across a wide expanse of exposed beach towards the oncoming tsunami.  He knew what he was facing --- he knew his fate.  How did he feel?

I feel a bit like he must've when I read that our federal government revenues will only cover 57% of its expenditures --- a $3.8 trillion budget with a $1.56 trillion deficit.  And the deficit's consequences is only one wave in a series of incoming surges of other consequences for other inactions and wrongful actions of the past.  [When I read the newspaper and online articles, I sometimes feel a somewhat morbid fascination as I watch the inexorable approach of the '4 Horsemen' as history repeats itself once again. It's obvious that we are indeed living in "interesting times".]

Read: "Budget Predicts Massive Long-term Deficits" The Week 02/12/2010


Our Spendthrift Government: Looking In A Mirror

Fact: Our government spends nearly $2 for every dollar it is taking in. 

Define: "spendthrift" - One who cannot handle money wisely and spends it wastefully.  This includes Bush, Obama, Congress.... all the way down to the individual American who chooses not to live within his means.

Concept: Government of the people, by the people, for the people...
Manifestation: Our institutions are a reflection of our society...

Evidently, we are a nation of spendthrifts.  We've even been told that spending is the patriotic thing to do.  Our 'free' TV is paid for by commercials that persuade us to spend money on products that can't "sell themselves".  Apparently, we're a nation of idiots who love reality TV and can't calculate the long term interest that unpaid credit card bills accrue.  Perhaps we are indeed a nation of sheep deserving perpetual shearing.  After all, 'John Q. Public' aka 'Joe Schmo' doesn't get involved & lobbyists and legislators know this.

When algae is discussed as an alternative source of bio-fuel, it’s often in tones of breathless excitement; many green tech boosters believe that the slimy goo can be turned into fuel superior to that made from corn, canola, or switch grass. You don’t need vast tracts of land to cultivate algae for bio-fuel, the thinking goes, all you need is the right strain of algae, water, sunlight, and carbon dioxide.

But a new study suggests that while algae might produce good fuel, the environmental costs involved in the production would be heavy. A life-cycle assessment argues that algae production consumes more water and energy than other bio-fuel sources like corn, canola, and switch grass, and also has higher greenhouse gas emissions. While the results are sobering, they’re also being met with harsh criticism from algae-based bio-fuel companies and their trade groups.

The culprit, the researchers say, is fertilizer. Growing algae in open ponds is akin to producing them in a shallow swimming pool, so all of the nutrients — nitrogen and phosphorus — needed to keep them alive and boost their production come from outside sources.  The fertilizers dumped into the algae pools usually come from petroleum-based feed stocks (hence the interest from Exxon, etc.)... one solution to the fertilizer problem: the algae ponds can be placed near waste-water sources, which the algae could use for nutrients (example: Austin).


Note: If you read the related Discover articles, it's immediately recognizable that future energy solutions will not be singularly based.  We will have our 'eggs in more baskets'.
Fertile, charred soil created by pre-Columbian peoples sustained surprisingly large settlements in the rain forest. Secrets of that ancient 'dark earth' could help solve some of our ecological problems today. Called 'bio-char', it's essentially high-carbon charcoal that's embedded in the soil --- it takes a long time to decompose and it nourishes the soil.

"Terra preta de Indio—Portuguese for “Indian black earth”—is prized among local Brazilian farmers, and it is a direct contribution of the vanished Amazonian cultures. While most Amazonian earth is notoriously nutrient poor, yellowish, sterile, and unscented, there are extensive patches of soil that are mysteriously dark, moist, fragrant, and filled with insects, microbial life, and organic matter. Scholars have come to realize that by devising a way to enrich the soil, the early inhabitants of the Amazon managed to create a foundation for agriculture-based settlements much more populous than scholars had thought possible."

Read more:

More detail:
Black Gold of the Amazon-

Note: The best agricultural practices still involve not farming land where soil erosion is a problem & creating permanent pasture (without overgrazing), hay fields, timber lands on those that are.  When we develop effective and efficient methods for producing cellulosic ethanol, then we can change to switch grass, etcetera.
Our genus 'Hom-' (Greek: same, equal, like, similar, common; one and the same) is defined as "upright bipedal hominids".  'Australopithecus' is our hominid ancestor --- whose forerunner was 'Ardipithicus ramidus' aka Ardi.  Ardi lived over 4 million years ago in lush woodlands and walked on two feet.  Fossil bones from 36 such individuals were uncovered in Ethiopia.  They show that their walking gait would have been similar to our own --- though there was still a divergent big toe splayed out that had been used for climbing and grasping.  Though the brain was chimp sized, it was positioned like our own.  And analysis of tooth enamel shows they ate nuts, fruits, tubers supplemented by small game.
With today's higher unemployment rates, one thing I can suggest to job seekers is to increase their language skills development.  Let us remind ourselves that culture [the attitudes and behavior that are characteristic of a particular social group or organization] depends greatly on language skills.  Words are more than just communication 'tools'.

Because the Neanderthals had a voice box that was located much higher in the throat than ours is, they couldn't vocalize “quantal vowels” that modern humans use.  Quantal vowels provide cues that help speakers with different size vocal tracts understand one another.  This limited their cultural development in ways that did not allow them to compete as effectively against us [Note that their brains were at least as big as ours and were related to us.]

"The most common method of thinking is verbal thinking.  We have a range of intelligences including numerical, musical, spatial, emotional, verbal and kinaesthetic intelligences, yet it is verbal intelligence that we depend on most. We tend to think and express ourselves in words.   Mastering the use of words is the most important skill we develop because acquiring further skills depends on our comprehension of language." 

Moral:  If you want to fit into a work culture, one of the things you have to have is communication tools good enough to enhance your job performance.  That's true whether you are a manual laborer, social worker, cashier, etcetera.  In short, learn the lingo (but don't be a showoff).

Related topic: