Saturday, September 16, 2023

Religion: Archaeology Decodes The Exodus

 In northern Egypt, Canaanites had been migrating into Egypt ever since before the time of Joseph [Note: Not all Canaanites were Hebrew. The rest worshipped Ba’al]. Generally known as the Hyksos, they eventually increased in numbers until they finally took over and governed this region from 1638 BCE until 1530 BCE (when they were driven out during the Hyksos Expulsion].

Prior to this, in 1650 BCE, a powerful fireball (asteroid air explosion similar to the 1908

Tunguska event in Siberia) had devastated the fertile Canaanite region north of the Dead Sea, which would have increased the number of people migrating. Note, also, that this area is along a rift zone with many geologic faults, especially to the west — where the Santorini super volcano Thera had already been building towards an explosion. Four years later, in 1646 BCE, it blew and triggered the events known as the Ten Plagues of the Exodus.

So, in a nutshell, Canaanite numbers had been increasing for a long time and had become so problematic for the Egyptians that countermeasures against them led to the events that brought Moses into the picture [Review biblical story of Joseph and then of Moses] — then the fireball incident sends a new wave of immigrants into a deteriorating situation that would force Moses to flee with his people from Egypt. In between the fireball incident and the Santorini explosion, God tells Moses to go forth to Egypt. Moses does so, and one of the first things that happens is that Santorini explodes and the Ten Plagues of Egypt ensues.

A few of many related resources:

“The Historical Evidence Of The Plagues | The Exodus Decoded” (1 hr 32 min)

Note: At the 1 hour 4 minute mark begins the showing of indicators that the Exodus occurred prior to 1500 BCE.

“Is An Asteroid To Blame For The Biblical Story Of Sodom?”

“Religion: What Happened to Sodom?”

“Airburst Meteor Destroyed Jericho:

“Hyksos History and Invasion of Ancient Egypt”

Surprising Origins of Hyksos Dynasty: