Wednesday, August 30, 2023

AGW: Understanding the Basics Is Essential

If we cannot and do not explain the physical science and quantum mechanics of such things as the ‘greenhouse effect’ so that the layperson can understand, then we do a disservice to them and to ourselves. 

For example, when photons of visible light strikes the surface of the Earth they cause the molecules of the surface struck to vibrate faster, increasing its temperature. This energy is then re-radiated by the Earth as longer wave photons, infrared radiation (heat). These photons interact only with greenhouse gas molecules in the atmosphere — which slows down their escape back into space, thus causing the atmosphere to retain more infrared photonic energy (heat).

Another example: The reason organic farming is so important in helping to sequester carbon is that it helps build up humus in the soil, whereas the use of synthetic fertilizers works towards stripping the soil of humus. Soil Regeneration describes practices that build up the life in the topsoil that feeds the plants we need in order to survive. Soil Degradation is when soil is overused and its quality declines due to excessive farming practices, and can occur from factors such as erosion, nutrient depletion, compaction, and loss of organic matter.

Note: The following glossary has a search function at the top of the page which will link you to short explanation pages that each give you a link to a more detailed explanation and to other subjects related to global climate change. They are very well written in sensible terms: