Tuesday, July 25, 2023

AGW: My Comments About Global Warming

AGW: Cause and Effect — The cause of anthropogenic global warming is artificially increased levels of greenhouse gases. The effect is climate change driven by increasing global temperatures.

If all greenhouse gases, less than 0.04% (0.0004) of the atmosphere were removed, the planet would be a barren frozen wasteland because nitrogen and oxygen do not absorb heat and allow infrared light to pass freely. In other words, an atmosphere without greenhouse gases would let all of the heat (infrared light) from the surface of the planet radiate freely out into space. This is an indicator of how powerful greenhouse gases truly are and why our emitting carbon dioxide and such has such a strong influence on the climate.

In today’s world, the single greatest secular truth that we are struggling with is the lack of a widespread understanding of the Greenhouse Effect — how infrared light (heat) reacts at the quantum level with carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases at the quantum level.

Simply put, increased levels of greenhouse gases is causing more heat to be retained in the atmosphere.

Search: infrared heat atmosphere

Short Explanation: 


Short Video:


Fear is the great ‘mind killer’ and global warming deniers are perhaps the most fearful, though it’s greatly repressed. Indeed, how strongly one reacts against the idea of global warming is an indicator of how much fear lies hidden beneath the surface of consciousness (defense mechanism called ‘denial’).

If you understand that ‘heat radiation’ is  ‘infrared light’, then you know why Infrared Satellite Imagery of the Earth’s surface is used to document the steadily increasing temperatures year after year. Infrared technology is, also, used to document the greenhouse effect in laboratory demonstrations.


infrared camera demonstrates infrared absorption carbon dioxide + youtube

To the degree that mankind comes together in cooperation to thwart the expansion of global warming, a golden age of peace and advancement becomes possible in other areas as well.

Call it Cosmic Law or God’s Will or even the interplay between them both, but it’s no mere coincidence that we, as a species, face the situation of either cooperating to dampen global warming, or else watch the terrible side effects of global warming such as war, famine and pestilence result in such strife and competition between groups that our consumption of fossil fuels will be naturally curtailed as our worldwide system breaks down, which is one way to force eventual cooperation — that is IF we are to thrive and not merely survive. The choice is ours. 

[For more detailed thoughts on the subject, do copy and paste the above as search parameters in your favorite search engine.]

Worldwide, we burn almost 100 million barrels of oil annually. Add natural gas and coal to that, and that’s a lot of carbon dioxide from fossil fuels being pumped into the biosphere. Now consider how long this has been going on and how long it will continue, and you’ve got great cause for alarm, especially when you factor in the the additional increasing release of methane from melting tundra and oceanic methane hydrate. Indeed, if you can sleep peacefully at night knowing this, then you must know something that you should share with the rest of us.

Before you say that you deny global warming, first realize that you’re denying the Greenhouse Effect, which has been the only thing that’s been keeping this planet from being frozen solid for hundreds of millions of years. Note that the Earth’s atmosphere contains only 0.035% carbon dioxide, which is enough for the ‘greenhouse effect’ to sustain our current global temperatures. About 700 million years ago though, the evolution of cyanobacteria consumed so much of the CO2 in the atmosphere that the entire planet turned into a giant ice box during the epoch called Snowball Earth. So, if taking carbon dioxide out of the biosphere can do that, what do you suppose the doubling of  the current amount will do within the next fifty years? 

The first I heard of global warming was in the early 1980s with reports from Alaska about the headstones of the original settlers tipping over because the permafrost in which they had been anchored for a century or more was melting. Also, the Inuits were having to travel further and further north over time to gather the berries they needed for sustenance.

At the time, I was living on my ranch along the border in South Texas. I was surrounded by a dry land farming agribiz operation, and I could see that when things got hotter that my marginal pasture and their crop yields would shrivel. Since I was was young enough to start over somewhere else, I sold out and moved north. Now, with ever increasing temperatures and greenhouse gas levels, I’m thinking that I didn’t move far enough.

Years ago, I realized that the world was quite possibly not going to be able to avoid the natural consequences that the ‘amplified greenhouse effect’ was going to have on an already overpopulated planet. I, therefore, went to great lengths in my blog to explain how not all visible light was reflected away from Earth’s surface — that some was absorbed and then radiated away as ‘infrared light’ (heat). Whereas visible light passes freely thru the atmosphere, infrared interacts with and is absorbed by larger molecules, such as carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide, water vapor, etcetera. It is humanity’s general inability to understand this that our overpopulation problem will be solved in such a way that we’ll be reminded that “it’s not nice to fool Mother Nature”!

Related postings:



Greenhouse Effect


Global Warming


4 Short “YouTube Videos About the Greenhouse Effect and Global Warming”
