Sunday, June 25, 2023

Quotes and Thoughts

Pray: “Dear God, please guide, bless and protect the Ukrainians. Please guide, bless and protect all of the lovers of ‘freedom and opportunity’ everywhere.” Express these words with sincerity, knowing that this energy can be used only for good.

In countries where corruption is truly endemic, the index rating for general happiness is lowest. Without freedom and opportunity, hope is minimal and the future looks bleak because the human soul is being suppressed.

With each ‘tick of the clock’, we are in the process of making decisions. If we are to count ourselves as being sentient, then we need be self aware and to accept responsibility for our actions and inactions, our thoughts and feelings, everything that we identify with. 

Lurking behind the ‘mask of hatred and anger’ is fear. The antidote is forgiveness and compassion.

We are each a part of the expanding allness of God!

There are many many brave souls living upon this planet.

Violet Flame mantra:

“I AM a being of Violet Fire;

I AM the purity God desires.”

It is never too late to pray for peaceful solutions and divine intervention —

and in doing so, pray to be be part of the solution and not the problem.

“Anxiety must go. It must be replaced by faith and solemn confidence in the outworking of the divine plan. “            

Count of St. Germain~

If you accept that your Spirit shines thru your Soul and upon your ‘person’, then you know that you need not fear.