Saturday, April 22, 2023


Quietly listen to your inner awareness of God and the Spiritual Hierarchy.

Be not distracted by egoic mutterings.
Discern that of which is genuinely Real —
that which is of God Love.

The world is always on the knife’s edge of destruction — so, once you accept that, you can get on with life in the service of God!
Pray for the Ukranians.

A prayer for Ukraine is a prayer for a world of freedom and opportunity.
May God Bless the Ukrainians !

If mankind uses his Free Will to choose to burn fossil fuels, then Cosmic Law dictates thru the Law of Quantum Mechanics that the Greenhouse Effect will be amplified.

Milankovitch showed that the Earth is at the end of the current interglacial period. When other scientists demonstrated the power of the greenhouse effect, some felt relief because of the concern about an impending ice age — not so, anymore.

God’s Presence is needed in all of our lives as much as is possible, indeed, even more than ever before.

Enlightenment in regards to physical laws and spiritual laws is greatly needed in all who call themselves human if we are all to continue as a species. In other words, we either advance or we do not. Knowledge and its appropriate application is a necessity!

I think that, if left to our own devices, mankind would have been eradicated long ago — that only Providence and the intercession of God and the Angels has allowed us to survive and thrive. Now I’m wondering how, and if, we might be saved from rising greenhouse gas levels and rising temperatures. I’ve got some ideas on the subject; but, unless we proactively cooperate with Christ and the Forces of Light, we won’t like the reactionary options that that leaves.

Oftimes, when looking back on things, we wind up having to ask ourselves,
"What did we think was going to happen".
Called hindsight, it helps us to develop foresight. 

After the Creation and the coming into being of the Earth, life evolved and mankind stepped forth from the shadows of time from which we were more of the animal kingdom than the human kingdom. At some point, God breathed the Light of Illumination into a hominid and humanity began.

Since before biblical times, there has been God Good and evil. Choose wisely.