Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Spirituality: The Spoken Word

“The Word of the LORD God released in the original fiats of creation. The release of the energies of the Word, or the Logos, through the throat chakra by the Sons of God in confirmation of that lost Word. It is written, “By thy words thou shalt be justified, and by thy words thou shalt be condemned.” When man and woman reconsecrate the throat chakra in the affirmation of the Word of God, they become the instruments of God’s own commandments that fulfill the law of their re-creation after the image of the Son.”


Assertion that something exists or is true; confirmation or ratification of the truth; solemn declaration. A positive statement, usually beginning with the name of God, “I AM,” that affirms and strengthens the qualities of God within oneself, helping to bring those qualities into physical manifestation. Affirmations are fiats which may be of greater length and more specific detail. They affirm the action of Truth in man—in his being, consciousness, and world. They are used alternately with denials of the reality of evil I n all of its forms. Likewise, they affirm the power of Truth that challenges the activities of the fallen ones.


n. a demand, a claim, a request or command to come or be present; an instance of asking for something; the act of summoning the Lord, or the Lord’s summoning of his offspring. “And the LORD God called unto Adam and said unto him, Where art thou?” (Gen. 3:9) “Out of Egypt have I called my son!” (Matt. 2:15)

To call: vb. to speak in a loud or distinct voice so as to be heard at a distance; to recall from death or the astral plane, e.g., “Lazarus, come forth!”; to utter in a loud or distinct voice; to announce or read loudly or authoritatively.

The call is the most direct means of communication between man and God, and God and man, frequently used in an emergency; e.g., O God, help me! Archangel Michael, take command!

The byword of the initiate is “The call compels the answer.” “He shall call upon me and I will answer him.” (Ps. 91:15) “They called upon the Lord, and he answered them.” (Ps. 99:6)


A short, simple melody, especially one characterized by single notes to which an indefinite number of syllables are intoned, used in singing the psalms, canticles, etc., in the church service. In both East and West, the name of God is chanted over and over again in the ritual of atonement whereby the soul of man becomes one with the Spirit of God by intonation of the sound of His name. This is given in Sanskrit as AUM or AUM TAT SAT AUM and in English as I AM THAT I AM.

By sounding the name of God or that of a member of the heavenly hosts, the vibration of the being is simulated and thereby Being itself is drawn to the one chanting. Therefore chants, when properly used, magnetize the Presence, whether universal or individualized, of the Divine Consciousness.


 Main article: Decree

n. a foreordaining will, an edict or fiat, an authoritative decision, declaration, a law, ordinance or religious rule; a command or commandment.

v. to decide, to declare, to determine or order; to ordain, to command or enjoin; to invoke the presence of God, his light/energy/consciousness, his power and protection, purity and perfection.

The decree is the most powerful of all applications to the Godhead. It is the command of the son or daughter of God made in the name of the I AM Presence by the Christ for the will of the Almighty to come into manifestation as Above, so below. It is the means whereby the kingdom of God becomes a reality here and now through the power of the spoken Word. It may be short or long and usually is marked by a formal preamble and a closing, or acceptance.


An authoritative decree, sanction, order; a pronouncement; a short dynamic invocation or decree usually using the name of God, I AM, as the first word of the fiat, e.g., I AM the Way! I AM the Truth! I AM the Resurrection and the Life! Fiats are always exclamations of Christ-power, Christ-wisdom, and Christ-love consciously affirmed and accepted in the here and now.


The act of invoking or calling upon a deity, spirit, etc., for aid, protection, inspiration, or the like; supplication; any petitioning or supplication for help or aid; a form of prayer invoking God's presence, said especially at the beginning of a public ceremony; a call to God or to beings who have become one with God to release power, wisdom, and love to mankind or to intercede in their behalf; supplication for the flow of light, energy, peace, and harmony to come into manifestation on earth as it is in heaven.


A mystical formula or invocation; a word or formula, often in Sanskrit, to be recited or sung for the purpose of intensifying the action of the Spirit of God in man. A form of prayer consisting of a word or a group of words that is chanted over and over again to magnetize a particular aspect of the Deity or of a being who has actualized that aspect of the Deity.


A devout petition to, or any form of spiritual communion with, God or an object of worship; a spiritual communion with God or an object of worship, as in supplication, thanksgiving, adoration, or confession; a formula or sequence of words used in or appointed for praying: the Lord’s Prayer; a petition, entreaty.”

Sunday, September 17, 2023

Spirituality: “I AM Discourses” aka ‘The Green Books’

 The following provide plentiful I AM discourses for those who are interested. Though there is no substitute for having hard copy books in hand that you can highlight and such, you’ll find these pdfs, videos, etcetera very useful:

St. Germain Series:

Alternate sources:

Vol 1. (143 pages) Unveiled Mysteries By Godfré Ray King First experiences with Saint Germain

Vol 2. (412 pages) The Magic Presence By Godfré Ray King Further experiences with Saint Germain

Vol 3. (144 pages) The “I AM” Discourses By Saint Germain & other Ascended Masters The “I AM”

Vol 4. (309 pages) Ascended Master Instruction By Beloved Saint Germain

Vol 5. (226 pages) “I AM” Adorations & Affirmations, “I AM” Decrees By Chanera

(YouTube video recording):

Vol 6. (346 pages) Ascended Master Discourses By the Ascended Masters

Vol 7. (163 pages) Ascended Master Light By the Great Cosmic Beings

Vol 8. (310 pages) The “I AM” Discourses By the Great Divine Director

Vol 9. (572 pages) The “I AM” Discourses By Beloved Mighty Victory

Vol 10. The“IAM”Discourses By Beloved DavidLloyd
Further experiences with Saint Germain

(YouTube video recording / not complete):

Vol. 11 The “I AM” Discourses By Saint Germain to the Minute Men

(YouTube video recording / not complete):

Vol. 12 The “I AM” Discourses By the Ascended Master Youth Bob

(YouTube video recording):

Vol. 13 (284 pages) Beloved Saint Germain’s Talks By Beloved Saint Germain

(YouTube video recording):

Vol. 14 (324 pages) The “I AM” Discourses By the Seven Mighty Elohim

(YouTube video recording):

Vol. 15 (332 pages) The Ascended Masters Speak on Angels By Ascended Masters

(YouTube video recording):

Vol. 16 (339 pages) Beloved Archangel Michael Speaks on the Angelic Host By Beloved Archangel Michael

(YouTube video recording):

Vol. 17 (436 pages) The “I AM” Discourses By Beloved Master Jesus the Christ

(YouTube video recording):

Vol. 18 The “I AM” Discourses on America By the Ascended Masters

(YouTube video recording):

Vol. 19 The “I AM” Discourses on Supply By the Ascended Masters

(YouTube video recording):

Vol. 20 The “I AM” Discourses By the Gods of the Mountains

(YouTube recording not quite complete / 

3hr 34min):

Saturday, September 16, 2023

Religion: Archaeology Decodes The Exodus

 In northern Egypt, Canaanites had been migrating into Egypt ever since before the time of Joseph [Note: Not all Canaanites were Hebrew. The rest worshipped Ba’al]. Generally known as the Hyksos, they eventually increased in numbers until they finally took over and governed this region from 1638 BCE until 1530 BCE (when they were driven out during the Hyksos Expulsion].

Prior to this, in 1650 BCE, a powerful fireball (asteroid air explosion similar to the 1908

Tunguska event in Siberia) had devastated the fertile Canaanite region north of the Dead Sea, which would have increased the number of people migrating. Note, also, that this area is along a rift zone with many geologic faults, especially to the west — where the Santorini super volcano Thera had already been building towards an explosion. Four years later, in 1646 BCE, it blew and triggered the events known as the Ten Plagues of the Exodus.

So, in a nutshell, Canaanite numbers had been increasing for a long time and had become so problematic for the Egyptians that countermeasures against them led to the events that brought Moses into the picture [Review biblical story of Joseph and then of Moses] — then the fireball incident sends a new wave of immigrants into a deteriorating situation that would force Moses to flee with his people from Egypt. In between the fireball incident and the Santorini explosion, God tells Moses to go forth to Egypt. Moses does so, and one of the first things that happens is that Santorini explodes and the Ten Plagues of Egypt ensues.

A few of many related resources:

“The Historical Evidence Of The Plagues | The Exodus Decoded” (1 hr 32 min)

Note: At the 1 hour 4 minute mark begins the showing of indicators that the Exodus occurred prior to 1500 BCE.

“Is An Asteroid To Blame For The Biblical Story Of Sodom?”

“Religion: What Happened to Sodom?”

“Airburst Meteor Destroyed Jericho:

“Hyksos History and Invasion of Ancient Egypt”

Surprising Origins of Hyksos Dynasty:

Thursday, September 14, 2023

Spirituality: The I AM Discourses / Violet Fire & Tube of Light

 ”…No matter what your mistakes have been, there is not a thing which cannot be remedied, if you will call on the Law of Forgiveness!

Call your "I AM Presence" into action to dissolve and consume every discordant thing! Then you can have your Freedom! You do not longer have to live in the limitations and mistakes you have made in the past.

Remember to observe the Chart (see below)! You see there represented, the Tube of Light and the Violet Consuming Flame. No human Being on This Earth can be Free from his or her own human creations unless each one will call his or her own God Presence to establish the Tube of Light about that one! Then call the Violet Consuming Flame within It, to pass from the feet up thru the physical body; and that one's mental and feeling world - like a great blowtorch, which gives you the feeling and sense of ACCOMPLISHMENT! It will dissolve and consume every discordant thing which has ever been drawn about you.

Every Individual can do This …move within That Tube of Light. Twice a day, use the Violet Consuming Flame to keep every discordant thing dissolved, which had ever been accumulated thru your activities and embodiments …in a few weeks or months, you can dissolve and consume the cause of every discordant thing which has ever been accumulated about you thru the centuries…”
Page 139 of 310;
Discourse XIII;
The Great Divine Director;
The I AM Discourses (series)
pdf copy:
Note: The “I AM Chart” is contained in this pdf link at the beginning (page 2 of 310)

“Tube of Light Decree” is on page 2:

“Violet Fire” is on page 20: