Sunday, June 25, 2023

Quotes and Thoughts

Pray: “Dear God, please guide, bless and protect the Ukrainians. Please guide, bless and protect all of the lovers of ‘freedom and opportunity’ everywhere.” Express these words with sincerity, knowing that this energy can be used only for good.

In countries where corruption is truly endemic, the index rating for general happiness is lowest. Without freedom and opportunity, hope is minimal and the future looks bleak because the human soul is being suppressed.

With each ‘tick of the clock’, we are in the process of making decisions. If we are to count ourselves as being sentient, then we need be self aware and to accept responsibility for our actions and inactions, our thoughts and feelings, everything that we identify with. 

Lurking behind the ‘mask of hatred and anger’ is fear. The antidote is forgiveness and compassion.

We are each a part of the expanding allness of God!

There are many many brave souls living upon this planet.

Violet Flame mantra:

“I AM a being of Violet Fire;

I AM the purity God desires.”

It is never too late to pray for peaceful solutions and divine intervention —

and in doing so, pray to be be part of the solution and not the problem.

“Anxiety must go. It must be replaced by faith and solemn confidence in the outworking of the divine plan. “            

Count of St. Germain~

If you accept that your Spirit shines thru your Soul and upon your ‘person’, then you know that you need not fear.

Thursday, June 15, 2023

Health: Stop the Chigger Itch

How I deal with chigger bites uses ethanol (Everclear), lavender essential oil, and an exfoliating cloth. Though rubbing alcohol should be just as effective, breathing its fumes is not good — read the warning label. Using hand sanitizer with a high percentage of ethanol aka ethyl alcohol should, also, work quite well.

When any bite first becomes noticeable, I use a small spritz bottle to repeatedly spray ethanol onto the itchy bite (or use alcohol based hand sanitizer). As the alcohol soaks into the skin, it helps sooth the bite and soften the skin. It, also, kills chiggers. I then push my finger down hard on the bite and vigorously wriggle it (without scratching / just a hard massaging action) for a few moments, all the while keeping it saturated. This will keep the welt from getting bigger and cause the itching to subside. [I’m guessing that this breaks down the ‘stylostome’ (feeding tube) that the chigger larvae created and, thus, helps to reduce the body’s allergic reaction.]

When I get home, while taking a hot sudsy shower, I use an exfoliating cloth to scour every square inch of my body that I feel is in jeopardy / this helps remove any attached chiggers [Be thorough here / an ounce of effort at this point is worth a pound of cure later.]

Immediately after the shower, while the pores are still open, I apply the lavender (or eucalyptus) essential oil to any fresh red itchy spots. If this does not completely stop the itching within an hour, then try using Chiggerex, deodorant or Benadryl gel on the spot.

Reading about the chiggers’ etymology is important, as well as about the ways to combat them. Note that animals do not have the allergic reaction to chigger bites that humans do. I’ve, also, recommend a product called Cedarcide, a cedar oil product, to use in my yard — they, also, sell an insect repellent for human and pet use that is phenomenal against all bugs.

Note: Before venturing into chigger prone areas, wear long pants with your pant legs tucked into long socks. Apply your chigger repellent to where you’ll come in contact with tall grass and such. If you have no repellent, try misting yourself with white vinegar.

Note: If you’re camping, I’d suggest taking supply of Cedarcide body spray repellent and the bug bite treatment Chiggerex.

Note: I’d read that for chigger bites that start to become enflamed that one can put a dab of Traeger JalapeƱo hot sauce on the pad of a bandage and put it on the bite. For people who have a stronger allergic reaction to chigger bites, this might mean multiple bandages. 

Search topics with best results: 

‘how chiggers work’ 

‘essential oils chigger bites’