Saturday, November 12, 2022

Spirituality: You Are Part of A Whole

Imagine, if you will, our world being quantified and qualified into a single 3+dimensional geometric equation — then, begin to appreciate the effect of all the pluses, minuses, multipliers, divisors, ‘et al’ that we each contribute to the whole thru our thoughts, feelings and actions. Understand, then, the effect that our negativities, misconceptions, irrationalities, ignorance, cruelties, fearfulness, weaknesses, arrogance, foolishness, etcetera have upon ourselves and upon others. Be aware that we are each responsible for that which we create — hence, the value of the Law of Harmlessness, Law of Attraction, and other Spiritual Laws.


‘Focus on God Qualities and Christic Virtues’ 

Related: “The 3 Hurtful Sins of Gossip, Cruelty and Superstition”


‘how to avoid becoming what you hate’

For related postings on ‘spirituality’—

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