Tuesday, September 27, 2022

Spirituality: “Rose of Light”

“…Oh, how delicate is the process of opening your heart. For in the beginning, the heart is often timid, reserved, not sure of its purpose, given its closure for so many embodiments as a result of each one’s human creation and the abuses by others leveled against the delicacy of the heart. So as you begin, ever so gently, to work with opening your heart, you will lift the veil on areas of your own consciousness that have been limiting — outworn perceptions founded upon unreality will need the light of day, as Illumination’s Flame, to be released at the very first opening of the heart. Then, if there is timidity, another petal may open to allow for the Blue Flame of the Will of God to begin to fill your Chalice with the transfer of that indomitable Will of your own God Presence beginning to move through your conscious awareness. Then, just as delicately, another petal will open, and you will discover the Desire of God that has been latent there all the while, as a glorious seed waiting to burst forth as God in Action, God in the highest Ideal, God as Love.

"You will find that each of the petals which you have allowed to open now support and protect one another, guiding and directing each other so that when each of these Flames begin to swirl, intertwining, they become one unified action of God Consciousness, waiting to impress upon Life, waiting to give of their Glory to move into the vastness of the World of God as the great Pranic Breaths, the Elemental Forces of Nature. For your open heart knows not just your own body temple as those Forces of Life, but it knows the vastness that streams out from the Heart of Elohim into the Great Sea of Universal Light Substance, allowing for your consciousness to hold the impression of that Activity of God firmly in its embrace. All the while, there is a Divine Purpose charged within that Substance of the Breath of God…


Glossary of Terminology:


For related postings on ‘spirituality’—

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