Wednesday, June 1, 2022

Reality vs Unreality & Expediency

Expedient usually implies what is immediately advantageous without regard for ethics or consistent principles.

We are all each individually responsible for each untruth, each unreality that we perpetuate.

In order to better re•cognize truth and real•ity, be willing to do the work of rethinking that which you take for granted.

Minimize assumptions.

If it is not right, don’t do it;

if it is not true, don’t say it;

if it’s not real, don’t think it;

if it’s not loving, don’t feel it.

Avoid expediency, embrace reality —

know that God is the ultimate Reality.

The more you can live as the manifestation of your God Self, 

then the more you are living 

in the Christ Light. 

Manifest the Virtues of Christ in order to experience the Qualities of God.

Note: Fracking is an example of expediency to the degree that we assume that the toxic chemicals pumped into the ground will never have any negative effects.