Saturday, February 12, 2022

AGW: Global Cooling vs Global Warming

Some people assuage their fears of global warming by pointing out that temperatures during the several previous interglacial periods were somewhat higher than what we are experiencing. This, however, does not take into account the Younger Dryas event that suppressed global temperatures at the very beginning of our current interglacial period and which affected how it subsequently unfolded. Additionally, the rapid spike in current global temperatures is not natural, especially when one considers that the Milankovitch Cycles indicate that we should have been experiencing cooler temperatures during the past century.

Related postings:


Younger Dryas Impact(s)—

Search: ‘Younger Dryas charts graphs’

Note: Snowball Earth Avoided —

As sunlight passes thru the atmosphere and strikes Earth’s surface, some is reflected away — which is what we see. The rest is absorbed and is what we feel as heat. This warmth exists as infrared radiation (IR). It interacts with the larger molecules in the air (greenhouse gases) which slows down its escape towards space, thus preventing Earth from becoming a giant frozen snowball.


Plants’ photosynthesis almost completely stops at 104 degrees Fahrenheit.


‘graph of photosynthetic rate vs temperature’

Humans’ heat tolerance generally begins to greatly decrease starting at 95 degrees.


‘human heat tolerance climate change’