Sunday, August 28, 2022

AGW: Global Climate Change Refugees

The fear and worry about global warming and climate change is increasing as related issues, such as the migration of climate refugees, comes to the fore. Meanwhile, the partisan warfare being engaged in by liberals and conservatives around the world is being increasingly fueled by this angst, and ill willed players are taking advantage of this to further their own agendas — witness the biased influencers in mass social media.

For related reading , search:
The Great Climate Migration

Wednesday, August 24, 2022

Spirituality: Antidote to Aloneness

“…The feeling of aloneness should be transmuted and superseded by the certainty of all-oneness. Man came forth from God as good, and he shall return to that goodness by becoming like it through the dignity of freedom and choice.

The power, love, and wisdom of God are never tyrannical but gently bestow upon each individual creature of the creation the blessedness of opportunity to know God without limit. Forgiveness, mercy, justice, peace, achievement, and progress toward ultimate supremacy are the gifts which Life holds for all.

Through the process of descent into Matter and form, man, as a part of God destined to become ultimately victorious, is made the conscious master of all he surveys, so long as he is not forgetful of his Source. By identifying with the gross, man becomes almost at once entangled in a web of human creation whose snarls, like the thread of Ariadne weaving through the labyrinthian cave of subterranean Matter, bring him face to face with the Minotaur who dwells in the lower octaves of consciousness waiting to devour the Christ. Escape is freedom. That which descends and is committed to form and density must, in obtaining its freedom, ascend back to that Source from whence it came.

To do this prematurely is in error; and therefore the Father, or I AM Presence, knows of each lifestream the day and hour when he is truly ready! Until the fullness of outer circumstance is transcended and transmuted in a manner whereby the lifestream has fulfilled his original purposes for entering the orbit of Earth, he should continue his training and preparation in accordance with the universal plan…”

Page #91

St. Germain on Spiritual Alchemy:

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Wednesday, August 10, 2022

AGW: Is Our Interglacial Period Waning?


The above chart, “Marcott reconstruction”, shows the temperature variance during our current interglacial period. If you were to erase the data gathered since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution, you’d see that our interglacial period was coming to an end; however, current global temperature increases clearly began with the CO2 emissions brought about by increased industrialization and have continued to rise to the point that the trend is being fueled by the release of methane from melting tundra. The big question remaining is whether or not we can sufficiently inhibit the release of greenhouse gases in time to prevent the methane release from becoming a fully self sustaining cycle.

Greenhouse Effect:

Global Warming:


Saturday, August 6, 2022

AGW: What Is the Greenhouse Effect?

As heat, in the form of Infrared Radiation, radiates away from Earth’s surface, the only thing that slows down its escape is the heaviest atmospheric gases, such as carbon dioxide, commonly called ‘greenhouses gases’. This blanketing effect keeps our planet from being a perpetual ‘ball of ice’.

[For more, copy and paste the above paragraph into your search engine.]

Examples of related articles—

What Is the Greenhouse Effect?

How the Media Gets It Wrong On Climate Change:

(and much, much more / from 2011):

This is the final part of our series Clearing up the Climate Debate. To read the other instalments, follow (click on) the links below:

Monday, August 1, 2022

Spirituality: The Crystal/Silver Cord (Thread of Life)

We exist as souls embodied in the Physical Realm. Meanwhile, the soul exists simultaneously in the Heavenly Realm while the spirit is of the highest realm, the Spiritual Realm. They are all connected by the Crystal Cord.

Spirit  — Spiritual Body — Spiritual Realm

Soul   —  Etheric Body   — Heavenly Realm

Person —Physical Body —Physical Realm

Note: The Crystal Cord (Silver Cord) is what Saint John saw as the ‘River of Life’.

For a more in depth explanation, use link:


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