Friday, September 17, 2021

Covid: Vaccine Myths As Defense Mechanism

I’ve noticed that among some of the people I personally know who are not vaccinated that there is an especially high level of anxiety related to Covid’s Delta variant, which is understandable since they know that they are now at greater risk from Covid than before — but their personal belief that the vaccines are more dangerous than Covid and its variants won’t allow them to so protect themselves.  The gossip and superstition behind the ‘misinformation’ about vaccines that fuels their fear of vaccines pales next to the malevolence being perpetuated by the deliberate spread of ‘disinformation’. 

What’s not understandable, however, is their choosing to not wear face masks.


Covid Vaccines: Myths vs Facts

Note: The latest vaccine myths to reach my ears (via some of my unvaccinated associates) indicate that they now believe the vaccines cause Covid illness and, also, cause severe long term organ damage. Judging from the increasing crescendo of this, I’d say that, because it’s primarily the unvaccinated group that is currently experiencing Covid’s Delta infections, they are ‘grasping at straws’ in an attempt to assuage their fears by projecting ‘Covid’s reality’ onto the vaccines in order to justify their not becoming vaccinated by convincing themselves that the vaccines are worse than the disease. In short, it’s a classic defense mechanism related to ‘displacement projection’.
