Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Covid: A Debt of Gratitude

It seems to me that the unvaccinated owe a debt of gratitude to all of those who have chosen to be vaccinated. At the same time, they could observe the improved state of mind of those who are now vaccinated. I, for example, no longer cringe when in proximity of someone who’s not wearing a face mask. They’re either vaccinated and not a danger — or, they’re not a significant danger to me even if they are unvaccinated.

In communities where vaccination rates are lower, the number of new Covid cases are still highly problematic. When the more infectious variants arrive, this rate will dramatically increase. Meanwhile, I look forward to receiving my booster shot.

Note: One lesson that we’re being reminded of is how interconnected we all are and that, in the sense of community, caring about the well being of others is part of the “Golden Rule”:
