Tuesday, May 25, 2021

COVID-19: Vaccine Myths Debunked

“While all three COVID-19 vaccines have emergency use authorization rather than full FDA approval, it’s not because the FDA is worried they’re unsafe... the only real difference was in length of follow-up during their clinical trials. Typically, you like to see efficacy (length and degree of effectiveness) for a year or two. 

In other words, the FDA normally waits to approve a vaccine until they’ve determined how long it remains effective. But considering the daily infection and death rates during the current pandemic, it would have been ill-advised to wait another year or two before distributing an effective vaccine that could help us reach herd immunity—even if we don’t yet know how long the vaccine's full protection lasts.

But authorities didn’t cut corners when it came to determining the vaccines’ safety. Even long-term side effects of vaccines usually appear somewhere between two weeks and two months after inoculation. Trial participants were monitored for adverse effects throughout that window, and the FDA didn’t give vaccines the green light until after it had passed... what vaccine has ever been shown to cause a long-term side effect that was not picked up in the first two months.”

Four more myths are debunked in the same article:


Six Myths Debunked:
