Saturday, April 24, 2021

Covid: Why Are The Fully Vaccinated Asked To Wear Masks, etcetera

The reasons that one might want to adhere to Covid safety procedures even after being fully vaccinated needs to be explained so that the undecided will not as easily be put off from becoming vaccinated. 

To begin with, it takes two shots and about two months to become ‘fully vaccinated’. So, during that time one needs to continue being careful. After that, even though you’re reasonably safe, if you don’t wear a mask and inhale Covid viruses, even though you likely won’t get sick, the viruses can briefly replicate in your nasal passages while your body eradicates them. During this interlude, you could easily breathe out some of these viruses, hence the desire for continued mask wearing is for the protection of others. Additionally, new variants are coming in to play that current vaccines are not yet proven to be effective against.

In public, other people can’t really know for sure that you’re fully vaccinated or not. It’s simply good manners to respect the concerns of others. Even telling them that you’re fully vaccinated still puts the demand upon them to completely trust you.

As for washing your hands, etcetera, all viruses and germs are passed around freely from hands to surface to hands, et al. So it’s wise to minimize the rate of surface transmission. Once again, it’s for the safety of others who haven’t been vaccinated yet. Plus, this is standard hygiene.

Note: Though Covid-19 is less devastating for younger people than for older folks, continued mutations may alter that. There’s already some drift in that direction. This may seem minor, but it is a major concern — and should provide additional impetus to forge ahead with further vaccine development. Indeed, the world may less than a year to stave off a new round of COVID-19 variants that could evade the existing vaccines. Variants emerge when viruses spread widely, so quickly vaccinating the entire world is the best way to curb new variants. This requires a continued strong proactive international stance. 

Note: Even when Covid is eventually reduced to a nuisance level like influenza is, there will inevitably be other newer pathogens that will require similar safety procedures. That’s why people in Hong Kong and elsewhere were able to hold Covid infection rates down early on — because they’d already battled other airborne diseases. They knew from experience what to do without being told what to do.

Covid-19 Efficacy Rates:

Comparing Covid-19 Vaccines

Video, using infrared, shows spread of cold, flu and Covid viruses as we talk and breathe: