Thursday, March 11, 2021

Quotes: Problems Aren’t Just For Solving

 Most of the world’s biggest problems are solvable by man because mankind created them in the first place. 

“History should not be rewritten just to serve the purposes of a few who want power and control so that they can put their own tale in the record that will lead to their advantage. Otherwise, how could the lessons of what ‘not to do’ be transmitted.”

“If you are proactive, you make things happen instead of waiting for them to happen to you. Active means ‘doing something’. The prefix pro- means ‘before ‘. So if you are proactive, you are ready before something happens. The opposite is being ‘reactive’, or waiting for things to unfold before responding.

If you believe that you have a soul, then nurture it. Build good karma — you reap what you sow.

"A person always doing his or her best becomes a natural leader, just by example."

"All that is really worth the doing of is what we do for others."

"If you can't do it with feeling—don't."

“In this world school in which we live, everything is a test.”

“...the advantage of being a pessimist is that he gets a multitude of pleasant surprises, whereas the optimist receives disappointments.” 

“There are still tremendous uncertainties ahead of us. And the bottom line is that we live in a shared world and no one is safe until everyone is safe.”

“Any path that leads to God is a good path.”

Before making a decision,ask, “Human or Divine?” Freedom of choice makes your decisions your own. The choice is yours.”

Problems are usually best solved one at a time. 

“Our anxiety does not come from worrying about the future. It comes from wanting to control it.”

"It is better to look ahead and prepare than to look back and regret."

NOTE: Understanding how viruses are transmitted, comprehending how infrared radiation (heat) is blanketed by greenhouse gases, and accepting one’s soul/spirit (spirituality) — these are attainable with a genuinely thoughtful and soulful approach.