Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Spirituality: Group Karma aka Collective Karma and ‘Individual Karma’

A cryptic definition of Karma is that it is the ‘Absolute Law of Cause and Effect’.

For further reading, search —

‘what is karma’.

The concept of Individual Karma seems to be understood by most people only in very general terms as it relates to the Cosmic Law of Reincarnation. Understanding ‘group karma (collective karma)’ is much more complex, especially relating to such issues as global warming. [“The climate crisis was created in the industrialized world. There is a direct correlation between industrialization and carbon emissions. In fact, the bulk of the historical carbon emissions have been produced by a small portion of the world’s population. Then we have this cruel geographical irony, which is that the effects of climate change [are] felt overwhelmingly in the developing world and the parts of the world that are least responsible for creating the crisis. So, we have this inverse relationship between cause and effect.”]

Note, however, that the karmic placements of successive waves of incarnations of returning souls will reestablish equity. Karmic Justice at all levels is inevitable in Cosmic Law.


Note: The clarification of the idea of collective karma seems to be the ‘doctrine of karma’ as taught by the Theosophical Society that introduced the expression the ‘law of karma’. 

Group Karma


Karma: Law of Consequences


For related postings on ‘spirituality’—

By relevance:


By date:


Friday, December 17, 2021

Spirituality: I Am Presence

Portrait of the Individual I Am Presence



I AM: Metaphysical Meaning:



Click on this link to download a PDF of a dozen or so powerful I Am affirmations from the Temple of The Presence
I Am Affirmations and Decrees

Saturday, December 11, 2021

Spirituality: Towards A Higher Religious Purpose

 For such, one needs a place to begin. 

I suggest Ascended Master teachings:

Temple of the Presence: Broadcasts


Note: The dictations include music before and after the dictation is given:



Glossary of Terminology


Ascended Masters, Angels, and Cosmic Beings




Summit Lighthouse Encyclopedia

List of All Topics:


Search for a particular topic:




Theosophy — “teaches the divinity and unity of all life. Every living thing is divine and spiritual in its innermost essence, which is its true Self. In the highermost part of our being, our Higher Self, each one of us literally is the Brahma …”

12 Things Theosophy Teaches:


Theosophical Articles:



“Don’t Know Much About the Bible” (pdf)


Is, also, available in hard copy, audio cassette and CD.

Metaphysics Bible Dictionary:


Filmore Study Bible:


The Rosicrucian Order:



St. Germain on Spiritual Alchemy:


“Saint Germain on Alchemy Formulas for Self-transformation”

[Internet Archive: Tap on screen to open the book and advance page to begin —


“The Chela and the Path: Keys to Soul Mastery in the Aquarian Age”

Thursday, December 2, 2021

Biases: Social Mass Media

“…despite our preconceptions of either the entire left or the entire right representing a singular ideology, in fact it’s primarily accounts on the far edge of these groups who do most of the talking… for some of these accounts, the high and identical numbers of tweets point toward a bot instead of an actual user.

This kind of polarization is exactly what makes it possible for bad outside actors (like Russia) to influence political discourse and action in a social sphere. Instead of targeting the middle of the spectrum — where users are generally quieter and generally less strictly partisan in their views — these actors can engage with polarized communities, gain their trust and introduce new or exacerbating ideologies… it’s that it’s time we begin to value listening over talking.”

“The extremes are screaming while the center whispers.”

“It’s human nature to want to confirm your beliefs with those who agree with you, especially in times of uncertainty or fear. However, by retreating to echo chambers that are being infiltrated with bad actors, we’re doing nobody a favor, least of all ourselves.”


Visualization of Filter Bubbles:


Thursday, November 4, 2021

Religion: What Happened to Sodom?

Where’s Sodom?:


“As the inhabitants of an ancient Middle Eastern city now called Tall el-Hammam went about their daily business one day about 3,600 years ago (1650 BCE), they had no idea an unseen icy space rock was speeding toward them at about 38,000 mph (61,000 kph). Flashing through the atmosphere, the rock exploded in a massive fireball about 2.5 miles (4 kilometers) above the ground. The blast was around 1,000 times more powerful than the Hiroshima atomic bomb. The shocked city dwellers who stared at it were blinded instantly. Air temperatures rapidly rose above 3,600 degrees Fahrenheit (2,000 degrees Celsius). Clothing and wood immediately burst into flames. Swords, spears, mudbricks, and pottery began to melt. Almost immediately, the entire city was on fire.

Some seconds later, a massive shockwave smashed into the city. Moving at about 740 mph (1,200 kph), it was more powerful than the worst tornado ever recorded. The deadly winds ripped through the city, demolishing every building. They sheared off the top 40 feet (12 m) of the four-story palace and blew the jumbled debris into the next valley. None of the 8,000 people or any animals within the city survived—their bodies were torn apart and their bones blasted into small fragments. About a minute later, 14 miles (22 km) to the west of Tall el-Hammam, winds from the blast hit the biblical city of Jericho. Jericho’s walls came tumbling down and the city burned to the ground…”

Map: https://www.ucg.org/files/styles/full_grid9_breakpoints_theme_top_hat_mobile_1x/public/image/article/2021/12/30/the-location-of-sodom-what-does-the-bible-say.jpg?itok=GVhbtp-b&timestamp=1640892235

Is an Asteroid to Blame for the Biblical Story of Sodom?






Search: ‘Tall el-Hammam’

Historical Timeline: Abraham to Jesus


Related: “Another Act of God?”


Note: The fireball air burst that shook the region around Sodom in 1650BCE preceded the Santorini eruption of 1646 BCE by just four years. This unique timing and the interconnectedness of the fault lines between the two relatively close locations tells me that the shock waves of the huge fireball air burst triggered the eruption that was already getting closer and closer.

Note: Fireballs such as the above and asteroids like the one that finished off the dinosaurs may be called ‘acts of God’, but events such as Hiroshima, etcetera are not — and neither is pollution fueled global climate change.

Another similar fireball event occurred 12,800 years ago in present day Syria. Rather than ascribe too much meaning to this, we should remember that during a ten thousand year time period an innumerable number of fireball airbursts would have struck all around the world. The only reason we can prove that one struck here is because the Abu Hureya Tell preserved the evidence, just as was preserved at the Tell where Sodom was eventually uncovered by archaeologists.

Search: ‘abu hureyra impact’

However, we should note that this particular cosmic impact was one of many associated with a cluster of impacts called the Younger Dryas Impact Event that triggered climate upheaval and extinctions.

“Evidence of Cosmic Impact at Abu Hurryra, Syria at the Younger Dryas Onset”



Search: ‘Younger Dryas Impact’

Monday, October 11, 2021

Covid, AGW, Spirituality: Unseen Realities

“Unseen realities are far more important than we can fully appreciate, as there’s more than meets the eye.”


Viruses are so small that only ‘electron microscopes’ can image them. In doing so, we begin to approach the world of ‘quantum physics’.

“How the Coronavirus Got Its Close-Up, Thanks to Electrons”:


“Picture of Coronaviruses on Cells”:


Related topic: ‘Covid Overview in Charts’


Global Warming:

Heat ‘aka’ Infrared Radiation is electromagnetic waves (quantum reality). 

Visible light is electromagnetic radiation from the sun. Its photonic energy that is not reflected away by clouds and dust is absorbed by the Earth’s surface and converted to heat that gradually radiates away from the planet in a quantum state called a ‘photonic wave’ that passes freely past all but the largest atmospheric molecules such as water vapor and carbon dioxide. This interference at the quantum level slows down its escape and causes an increase in heat in the biosphere.


Spiritual Reality:

Beyond quantum physics is metaphysics, and beyond that is the ‘All-in-All’ of Cosmic Law.



Cosmic Law:
















Saturday, October 9, 2021

Quips and Quotes

 “If it is not right, don’t do it. 

  If it is not true, don’t say it.”

Become what you want the world to be; 

be what you want the world to become.

"All truth passes through three stages:

first, it is ridiculed;

next it is violently attacked;

finally, it is held to be self-evident."

“With knowledge comes responsibility.”

“Unreality cannot explain unreality.”

“Those that would try to deny global warming ought to first consider the consequences of such denial.”

"The regrets of yesterday and the fear of tomorrow can kill you."

"Great things are done by a series of small things brought together."

"If you cannot find peace within yourself, 

  you will never find it anywhere else."

One of life’s many ironies is that the young, who have the most time left ahead of them, are often the most impatient.

"Never let your sense of morals get in the way of doing what's right."

"Those who dwell among the beauties and mysteries of the earth are never alone or weary of life."

“I’m a racist — I believe in the human race.” Jeff Gormann

"You can tell more about a person by what he says about others than you can by what others say about him."

When seeking Harmony and Beauty in your life, do not resonate with the discord of humanity. Instead, listen to the Song of God’s Love streaming forth from your

‘Heart of Hearts’.

In times of trouble, some people find comfort in hate and anger in lieu of fear.

Everywhere I go, there I am.

[You can’t escape who you are.]

Pay attention to ‘what it is’ that you’re paying attention to. 

Ignorance is the result of ignoring what would otherwise be obvious if not for a lack of learning and/or intelligence.

A sad soul is deadlier than any germ.

Knowing what you don’t know requires that you know what you do know with a reasonable degree of certainty and is a big step towards wisdom and enlightenment.

Ignorance is ‘bliss’ only to the degree that you’re genuinely ignorant of your ignorance. 

70 Famous Quotes:

Covid & AGW: Irrational Irrationality — It Is What It Is

Lately my blog has gotten bogged down by my efforts to reinforce the truth about Covid and global warming. I now realize that the people I was most trying to help gain rationality are so rigidly ‘in denial’ that I’ve not been actually helping. Their denial is so fueled by fear that irrationality reigns supreme.

Ah! Irrational irrationality — 

“it is what it is” (especially when there are causal realities not immediately visible to the naked eye).



AGW: Denial Is A Self-defeating Defense Mechanism

By my way of thinking, there are very few people in the world that are unaware of advancing global warming. There are, however, many that are in denial about the cause of such climate change — which is the increasing levels of greenhouse gases in the biosphere caused by mankind’s activities. Hence, the use of the term ‘anthropogenic global warming’ (AGW).

We are already 20+ years too late to fully mitigate the effects of AGW. Indeed, we are now at the cusp of quite possibly not being able to thwart the beginnings of runaway global warming. Those in denial of this may have mentally blocked their consciousness of such, but their soul knows — and this deep inner awareness roils at the emotional level and contributes to symptoms such as unexplained anxiety. Add this to other worrisome national and international issues and it’s no wonder people employ additional defense mechanisms to save their sanity.


AGW defense mechanisms psychology

Note: Not being proactive in dealing with this problem means having to wait until it can no longer be denied and ‘reactive responses’ will begin to kick in. In the case of AGW, such tardiness limits our options, thus reducing the odds for an outcome that is not horrendous. In short, defense mechanisms can become maladaptive and unintelligent.

Note: Read the previous posting to this one relating to Covid and defense mechanisms. It gives a better sense of how extreme defense mechanisms can become — when neurosis becomes borderline psychosis. 

Search: samslair blog fear



Friday, September 17, 2021

Covid: Vaccine Myths As Defense Mechanism

I’ve noticed that among some of the people I personally know who are not vaccinated that there is an especially high level of anxiety related to Covid’s Delta variant, which is understandable since they know that they are now at greater risk from Covid than before — but their personal belief that the vaccines are more dangerous than Covid and its variants won’t allow them to so protect themselves.  The gossip and superstition behind the ‘misinformation’ about vaccines that fuels their fear of vaccines pales next to the malevolence being perpetuated by the deliberate spread of ‘disinformation’. 

What’s not understandable, however, is their choosing to not wear face masks.


Covid Vaccines: Myths vs Facts


Note: The latest vaccine myths to reach my ears (via some of my unvaccinated associates) indicate that they now believe the vaccines cause Covid illness and, also, cause severe long term organ damage. Judging from the increasing crescendo of this, I’d say that, because it’s primarily the unvaccinated group that is currently experiencing Covid’s Delta infections, they are ‘grasping at straws’ in an attempt to assuage their fears by projecting ‘Covid’s reality’ onto the vaccines in order to justify their not becoming vaccinated by convincing themselves that the vaccines are worse than the disease. In short, it’s a classic defense mechanism related to ‘displacement projection’.



Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Covid: Break Through Cases

People who are fully vaccinated against Covid generally don’t get sick from exposure to even the Delta variant. The odds of them getting sick, however, do increase with dramatically increased viral load intakes, hence the desirability of wearing face masks under certain conditions. Even when they do become infected, they’re often ‘asymptomatic’ and can be spreading the virus just as asymptomatic unvaccinated people do — thus, another reason to wear a face mask when appropriate.

Note: Vaccinations themselves do not ‘give’ people the virus. This misconception is based upon the fact that the first vaccinations long ago used micro doses of live viruses to inoculate people, which is not true any longer:


Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Texas’ 87th Legislature: 666 New Laws

 When you read today’s headline about the 87th TexasLegislature, if you know your Bible, you might feel a slight twinge of anxiety when the ‘Number of the Beast’ is used:

“On Wednesday, 666 new Texas laws will go into effect. Debated, passed and signed during the 87th Texas Legislature.”

This particular legislative session has been fraught with less than subtle religious undertones. So when the dark number ‘666’ popped up, it gave me ‘cause to pause’ at the irony — especially in view of current ‘Revelation reverberations’ in the fundamentalist community regarding current events.



Background story regarding 666:


Biblical History (page 464) —

follows APOCALYPSE NOW? on page 461

“Why is 666 the Number of the Beast?”


Note: Many people will not read the above historical background regarding the meaning of 666, instead preferring a mystical interpretation not grounded in the reality that John of Patmos experienced. Without context, meaning is lost and misinterpretations flourish, thus creating self fulfilling prophecies that resist God’s Will. 

Note: Even though Revelations wasn’t about our Latter Day times, it does fairly well represent what the Perfect Storm could be regarding that part of the world surrounding Jerusalem. If the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse ever do ride, it will seem quite familiar to many.

Read “Bible” postings:


Monday, August 30, 2021

Covid: CDC and Media Omit Context In News About Breakthrough Cases

During July 2021, in the small resort town of Provincetown, Massachusetts, tens of thousands of GLBT visitors flooded in for an annual festival. Attending parties, going to bars and engaging in very personal activities “not mask friendly”, several hundred adults who were vaccinated wound up coming down with Covid. 

Though this is important information, how this was publicized was as ‘hinky’ as anything that went on during the festival. Proper context was not given. No mention was made in the mainstream media about the festival or even the town’s name. We were allowed to assume that the breakthrough cases were somehow totally typical and indicative of some heretofore unexpected weakness in the Covid vaccines, instead of a flagrant level of disregard for the danger from too close personal activities of a very large number of adults that resulted in inhaling very large viral loads of the very highly contagious Delta variant. 

One of the few articles I found that specified the town’s name and the name of the festival is:


An article that provides real answers about breakthrough infections (from Consumer Reports):


Thursday, August 26, 2021

AGW: Infrared and Visible Light Are Energy Waves

Not all waves of the electromagnetic spectrum are blocked by Earth’s atmosphere. For example, both infrared and visible light easily penetrate and strike the surface of our planet. Infrared radiation is felt as heat rather than seen. Visible light that is reflected is seen, but that which is absorbed is converted to heat via quantum mechanics — which is then slowly radiated away as infrared radiation (IR).



IR, though not optically visible to the human eye, is detectable by ‘thermographic cameras’. 


As IR passes thru the atmosphere, it does not interact with the lighter gases such as nitrogen and oxygen — however, heavier gases, such as water vapor and carbon dioxide, do interact with IR which slows it down. This causes an increase of infrared radiation (heat) in the atmosphere. This ‘blanketing effect’ is inaccurately known as the ‘greenhouse effect’.


What Is Infrared?:


AGW postings by relevance:


AGW postings by date:


Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Stupid Is As Stupid Does

Stupidity is an inability or unwillingness to learn from experience, whether it be direct or indirect. 

Stupidity is a personal quality that demonstrates poor judgment resulting from an over abundance of irrationality and/or a consistent failure to learn from observing ‘cause and effect relationships’.

Stupidity is a generic term describing the manifestation (‘effect’) of ‘vibrations of irrationality’ (‘cause’ in ourselves and others which are not always immediately discernible). ‘Cause and effect’ are ofttimes separated by so much time that their relationship is not easily perceived — while at other times their connection is seemingly counter intuitive. Sometimes the cause is simply ‘unseen’ by the naked eye or the other physical senses, even though the effect is dramatically observable.

Search: ‘protection from stupidity’

Anabiel and Samhiel are two angels that heal stupidity. 


Anabiel and Samhiel,

Please cure me of my stupidity.

Please make me whole again.

Dear God, 

Protect me from stupidity,

most especially my own.

Help me to learn from my mistakes

and from the mistakes of others.

Ignorance, stupidity and evil are often hard to tell apart because they so often achieve the same results. Indeed, they often work in tandem because they complement each other so well.

Stupidity carries a high price.

Everyone is a potential victim of stupidity.

What should you do when confronted by stupid people? Do not engage. Do not try to correct them. Realize that they are a liability and put as much time and space between you and them as is humanly possible.

“Hanlon's Razor —

Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.”

“If one stupid person can be a problem, a herd of stupid people is nearly invincible.” 


Unseen Realities:
