Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Spirituality: Group Karma aka Collective Karma and ‘Individual Karma’

A cryptic definition of Karma is that it is the ‘Absolute Law of Cause and Effect’.

For further reading, search —

‘what is karma’.

The concept of Individual Karma seems to be understood by most people only in very general terms as it relates to the Cosmic Law of Reincarnation. Understanding ‘group karma (collective karma)’ is much more complex, especially relating to such issues as global warming. [“The climate crisis was created in the industrialized world. There is a direct correlation between industrialization and carbon emissions. In fact, the bulk of the historical carbon emissions have been produced by a small portion of the world’s population. Then we have this cruel geographical irony, which is that the effects of climate change [are] felt overwhelmingly in the developing world and the parts of the world that are least responsible for creating the crisis. So, we have this inverse relationship between cause and effect.”]

Note, however, that the karmic placements of successive waves of incarnations of returning souls will reestablish equity. Karmic Justice at all levels is inevitable in Cosmic Law.


Note: The clarification of the idea of collective karma seems to be the ‘doctrine of karma’ as taught by the Theosophical Society that introduced the expression the ‘law of karma’. 

Group Karma


Karma: Law of Consequences


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Friday, December 17, 2021

Spirituality: I Am Presence

Portrait of the Individual I Am Presence



I AM: Metaphysical Meaning:



Click on this link to download a PDF of a dozen or so powerful I Am affirmations from the Temple of The Presence
I Am Affirmations and Decrees

Saturday, December 11, 2021

Spirituality: Towards A Higher Religious Purpose

 For such, one needs a place to begin. 

I suggest Ascended Master teachings:

Temple of the Presence: Broadcasts


Note: The dictations include music before and after the dictation is given:



Glossary of Terminology


Ascended Masters, Angels, and Cosmic Beings




Summit Lighthouse Encyclopedia

List of All Topics:


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Theosophy — “teaches the divinity and unity of all life. Every living thing is divine and spiritual in its innermost essence, which is its true Self. In the highermost part of our being, our Higher Self, each one of us literally is the Brahma …”

12 Things Theosophy Teaches:


Theosophical Articles:



“Don’t Know Much About the Bible” (pdf)


Is, also, available in hard copy, audio cassette and CD.

Metaphysics Bible Dictionary:


Filmore Study Bible:


The Rosicrucian Order:



St. Germain on Spiritual Alchemy:


“Saint Germain on Alchemy Formulas for Self-transformation”

[Internet Archive: Tap on screen to open the book and advance page to begin —


“The Chela and the Path: Keys to Soul Mastery in the Aquarian Age”

Thursday, December 2, 2021

Biases: Social Mass Media

“…despite our preconceptions of either the entire left or the entire right representing a singular ideology, in fact it’s primarily accounts on the far edge of these groups who do most of the talking… for some of these accounts, the high and identical numbers of tweets point toward a bot instead of an actual user.

This kind of polarization is exactly what makes it possible for bad outside actors (like Russia) to influence political discourse and action in a social sphere. Instead of targeting the middle of the spectrum — where users are generally quieter and generally less strictly partisan in their views — these actors can engage with polarized communities, gain their trust and introduce new or exacerbating ideologies… it’s that it’s time we begin to value listening over talking.”

“The extremes are screaming while the center whispers.”

“It’s human nature to want to confirm your beliefs with those who agree with you, especially in times of uncertainty or fear. However, by retreating to echo chambers that are being infiltrated with bad actors, we’re doing nobody a favor, least of all ourselves.”


Visualization of Filter Bubbles:
