Monday, October 11, 2021

Covid, AGW, Spirituality: Unseen Realities

“Unseen realities are far more important than we can fully appreciate, as there’s more than meets the eye.”


Viruses are so small that only ‘electron microscopes’ can image them. In doing so, we begin to approach the world of ‘quantum physics’.

“How the Coronavirus Got Its Close-Up, Thanks to Electrons”:

“Picture of Coronaviruses on Cells”:,h_2063,c_limit/WI060120_MG_CovidMicroscopy_01.jpg

Related topic: ‘Covid Overview in Charts’

Global Warming:

Heat ‘aka’ Infrared Radiation is electromagnetic waves (quantum reality). 

Visible light is electromagnetic radiation from the sun. Its photonic energy that is not reflected away by clouds and dust is absorbed by the Earth’s surface and converted to heat that gradually radiates away from the planet in a quantum state called a ‘photonic wave’ that passes freely past all but the largest atmospheric molecules such as water vapor and carbon dioxide. This interference at the quantum level slows down its escape and causes an increase in heat in the biosphere.

Spiritual Reality:

Beyond quantum physics is metaphysics, and beyond that is the ‘All-in-All’ of Cosmic Law.


Cosmic Law:








Saturday, October 9, 2021

Quips and Quotes

 “If it is not right, don’t do it. 

  If it is not true, don’t say it.”

Become what you want the world to be; 

be what you want the world to become.

"All truth passes through three stages:

first, it is ridiculed;

next it is violently attacked;

finally, it is held to be self-evident."

“With knowledge comes responsibility.”

“Unreality cannot explain unreality.”

“Those that would try to deny global warming ought to first consider the consequences of such denial.”

"The regrets of yesterday and the fear of tomorrow can kill you."

"Great things are done by a series of small things brought together."

"If you cannot find peace within yourself, 

  you will never find it anywhere else."

One of life’s many ironies is that the young, who have the most time left ahead of them, are often the most impatient.

"Never let your sense of morals get in the way of doing what's right."

"Those who dwell among the beauties and mysteries of the earth are never alone or weary of life."

“I’m a racist — I believe in the human race.” Jeff Gormann

"You can tell more about a person by what he says about others than you can by what others say about him."

When seeking Harmony and Beauty in your life, do not resonate with the discord of humanity. Instead, listen to the Song of God’s Love streaming forth from your

‘Heart of Hearts’.

In times of trouble, some people find comfort in hate and anger in lieu of fear.

Everywhere I go, there I am.

[You can’t escape who you are.]

Pay attention to ‘what it is’ that you’re paying attention to. 

Ignorance is the result of ignoring what would otherwise be obvious if not for a lack of learning and/or intelligence.

A sad soul is deadlier than any germ.

Knowing what you don’t know requires that you know what you do know with a reasonable degree of certainty and is a big step towards wisdom and enlightenment.

Ignorance is ‘bliss’ only to the degree that you’re genuinely ignorant of your ignorance. 

70 Famous Quotes:

Covid & AGW: Irrational Irrationality — It Is What It Is

Lately my blog has gotten bogged down by my efforts to reinforce the truth about Covid and global warming. I now realize that the people I was most trying to help gain rationality are so rigidly ‘in denial’ that I’ve not been actually helping. Their denial is so fueled by fear that irrationality reigns supreme.

Ah! Irrational irrationality — 

“it is what it is” (especially when there are causal realities not immediately visible to the naked eye).


AGW: Denial Is A Self-defeating Defense Mechanism

By my way of thinking, there are very few people in the world that are unaware of advancing global warming. There are, however, many that are in denial about the cause of such climate change — which is the increasing levels of greenhouse gases in the biosphere caused by mankind’s activities. Hence, the use of the term ‘anthropogenic global warming’ (AGW).

We are already 20+ years too late to fully mitigate the effects of AGW. Indeed, we are now at the cusp of quite possibly not being able to thwart the beginnings of runaway global warming. Those in denial of this may have mentally blocked their consciousness of such, but their soul knows — and this deep inner awareness roils at the emotional level and contributes to symptoms such as unexplained anxiety. Add this to other worrisome national and international issues and it’s no wonder people employ additional defense mechanisms to save their sanity.


AGW defense mechanisms psychology

Note: Not being proactive in dealing with this problem means having to wait until it can no longer be denied and ‘reactive responses’ will begin to kick in. In the case of AGW, such tardiness limits our options, thus reducing the odds for an outcome that is not horrendous. In short, defense mechanisms can become maladaptive and unintelligent.

Note: Read the previous posting to this one relating to Covid and defense mechanisms. It gives a better sense of how extreme defense mechanisms can become — when neurosis becomes borderline psychosis. 

Search: samslair blog fear
