Wednesday, December 9, 2020

AGW: More Higher Order Thinking Skills Needed

Though I’m baffled by those who do not appreciate the level of danger that life upon this planet is facing from ‘anthropogenic global warming’, I’m almost envious of their blissful unawareness of the inevitable consequence that the escalating levels of greenhouse gases holds in store for us. Up until now, the muted extinction levels of plant and animal species from human overpopulation has been from varied environmental stressors such as pestilence, environmental degradation, resource depletion, food shortages, threats of war, etcetera; but now, AGW will eventually trump them all. Our global biosphere is already so clogged with problems that there will be no livable solution. And to think: it’s all due to our general inability to comprehend the 8th grade science of the greenhouse effect.

Note: “If it were not for greenhouse gases, Infrared Radiation (heat) would freely escape thru the atmosphere and into space resulting in a planet frozen solid.”

Note: Einstein is thus quoted:

"a new type of thinking is essential if mankind is to survive and move to higher levels."