Monday, November 9, 2020

Innate Source of All Discord, Polarization and Conflict

 The world is experiencing discord, polarization and conflict in a preponderance of magnified tribalism at all levels. The ‘us vs them’ mentality is innate in the human psyche. True spiritual enlightenment (not religion), however, frees one from the shackles of dogma and ideology so that cooperation between peoples (discussing the pros and cons) can outweigh competition and bring Truth and Justice to the fore. The Law of Harmony and the Absolute Law of Cause and Effect are Cosmic Spiritual Laws that take precedence. 

One aspect of the following video shows that human group conflict is a reflection of the inner conflicts of the very individuals that comprise these groups.

If you’re short on time, then start listening at the 37 minute mark. You can either go back to the beginning or start at the beginning if time allows for a very special discourse elucidating the opposite of discord and conflict:

“What the Ascended Masters Are and Are Not”