Monday, October 5, 2020

COVID-19: Witlessness Is No Excuse

 People who have Covid-19 can still spread the virus before they show symptoms (pre-symptomatic spread) or if they don’t develop symptoms (asymptomatic spread).

‘Asymptomatic’ doesn’t mean you don’t have it & can’t transmit it. 
If you are dosed with a minimal viral load, a healthy person will likely be asymptomatic. If, during the window of infectiousness, they then provide a good dose to someone who’s obese, elderly, etcetera, then this can cause unmitigated suffering. Being an unwitting spreader doesn’t make one innocent.

Addendum: If you think that Covid’s a ‘joke’ and that global warming is a ‘hoax’, you’d better check your rear view mirror’, because karma is coming up on us all faster than we think. Any people that you infect and then suffer lasting effects are burdened by you. And any Latter Day suffering because you helped thwart efforts to mitigate global warming has group karmic effects. And, if you think that not being consciously aware of your share any of the suffering that you’ve contributed to is a ‘Get Out of Jail Free’ card, then you’re in for a big surprise later on when you finally meet St. Peter at the Pearly Gates.

In short, there is no ‘witless protection program’.


Denial: AGW & Covid

 The denial of the necessity for consistently wearing face masks is fear based. It is a defense mechanism that allows someone to continue functioning in the face of a scary reality. To the degree that simple denial isn’t enough to assuage one’s fear, anger is added.

The denial of enhanced global warming is fear based. It is a defense mechanism that allows someone to continue functioning in the face of a terrifying reality. To the degree that simple denial isn’t enough to placate one’s fear, anger is added.