Friday, July 24, 2020

AGW: Is Sanity Even Possible?

In order to begin to stay sane in an insane world facing anthropogenic climate change, ‘know and accept’ that we are most likely not going to be able to proactively make sufficient changes needed in order to mitigate global warming in time to avoid great suffering that will result from dramatic ecosystem changes. The only real question remaining is the scope of continuing extinction events and whether or not ‘Homo sapiens’ will be on that list.

Overpopulation and overconsumption fueled by fossil fuels will only decrease when events occur on a wide enough scale to dramatically and permanently curtail various greenhouse gas emissions. Accept this, and then you can more intelligently take adaptive personal measures .

Note: Supporting groups that push for open borders is counterproductive. The borders will burst open anyway in the climate crisis. It’s better to abandon socialistic credos and, in the now, proactively focus on survival of the human race, etcetera.

‘dealing with global warming in the now’

Climate Change Denial:

When Facts Are Not Enough:

Related posting:
“Not Minding What Happens...”

Note: Those people who survive and thrive in the upcoming difficulties will be those who most manifest the virtuous qualities of intelligence and adaptability, strength and courage, love and wisdom, cooperation and service, knowledge and science, as well as orderliness and the appreciation of genuine responsibility, authority, compassion, necessity, dependability, et al. These people will be the the ones who usher in a new golden age for mankind.