Thursday, July 23, 2020

What about: Who Wrote the Bible

The beginnings of the Bible were composed by the telling and retelling of stories around desert campfires by nomadic herders some three thousand years ago before ever being written down by the ancient Israelites.

“The Bible’s Buried Secrets”
Documentary (1 hr 46 min):

“Don’t Know Much About the Bible”
by Kenneth Davis — 

Note: The following link allows the copy and paste function)'t%20Know%20Much%20About%20the%20Bible.pdf

“Who Wrote the Bible”

We need to keep in mind that our ancient ancestors witnessed events that bore meaning for them. Whether ascribing storied meaning to the constellations above or to geological features below the firmaments, the universality of these stories are priceless beyond compare. For example, study the story of Sodom and Gomorrah and you find multiple human and divine ascriptions to explain their destruction. In concrete reality, rift zone earthquakes and ensuing fires ruined these places that have since been unearthed by archaeologists. And pillars of salt really do stand on the shore of the Dead Sea in their proximity — their meaning in the biblical story is telling us not to look back, but (even as the world burns) to always look forward and into the deeper meanings of the Will of God.

‘Inner meanings of the Bible’, etcetera